
Any animal?

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if you could be any animal in the whole world what would it be and why?




  1. i would b a bald eagle lol coz then i would live in america and i would b able to fly but i would reli like to b a bear too for the same reasons excepts flying lol a bear would b kool to b coz then i would b cute n furry =)

  2. A house cat.

    How much of an easy life do they have.

    I know mine stays inside all day sleeping and eating.

    Not only that, you get affection and the warmth of the heater and fireplace...

    What more could you want?

  3. Eagle, to help breed more

  4. i will love 2 be a panther! they cute and i love the black on them!  am they know how to defend themself so good!

  5. a dog because i am friendly like a dog, i do mingle with people who care and shows love to me and as a return i protect them with all my strength...

  6. hawk, you can fly really high without going on an airplane. And you can fly whenever you want, see things from a bird's eye view, fly up in the clouds where hunters can't get you. What a life.

  7. i dont want to be an animal since the gift of being a human being is to speak. However we are all animals


  9. i would like to be an archerr fish, because they are heaps good at htting targets liek flys ^^

  10. a monkey

  11. My Favorite animal. A WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY

    "Dogs are but weak domesticated versions of Wolves.. Wolves are nothing like dogs.. Wolves have not been tainted by the touch of man.. they are still wild, loyal, and dedicated to their Mates for life.. I, am a Wolf"

  12. I'd be a wolf, they tend to embody traits that I admire.

  13. A bull on a stud farm. Do I have to explain why?
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