
Any architecture majors.....?

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I was thinking of majoring in architecture in college im a freshman right now and am taking some business classes but dont like them. How is architecture? Do you like it alot and what is the work they give you like? Is it just a project you work on and also what program would i be using? For instance auto cad or revit or something like that im not sure and do they expect you to already know how to use the programs cause i dont. Just anything you could tell me about it would be nice thanks. oh and what university did/are going to? thanks




  1. No matter where you go, architecture is a lot of work--fun, creative, totally worthwhile work, but still...they don't call it "architorture" for nothing.

    I just graduated Cal Poly SLO, and in my experience:

    The first year is very artsy...a lot of hand drafting, abstract modeling, computer graphics...after that, it starts to get a little more real...designing building systems, history (three quarters), theory (integrated into studio + 1 quarter), structural engineering (five quarters).  Throughout your entire time in architecture, you take a studio course, where you design one or more buildings and then model them--either digitally, or physically, or both.  Cal Poly's program culminates in a year-long thesis, which is pretty much anything you want to do...I've seen people build furniture, build housing, design skyscrapers, renovate farmhouses...the list is enormous.

    If you don't know anything about architecture going into the program, don't worry--most people don't.  Any programs you need to know they will teach you, or you will pick them up informally with professors and fellow classmates (and there are many possibilities--cad, revit, formz, sketchup, maya...).  So long as you have an interest in visual arts, mathematics/physics, and are not afraid of hard work, you should do well.

    Also, you can check out the link below for information on the profession.

    Good luck!

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