
Any area where i can use my feelings and involvemy life for Love.?

by  |  earlier

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I mean to say most of the we do job / work where we are powerful or straong like any 1 strong in teaching then he goes teacher job. and he gets satisfaction n earning. so like that if any one very emotional and understand feelings then can he use this feelings for any work and he can satisfied in job as well as earn money so he dont want to go beyong his wish.Pls suggest me the area so i can try.Like every where is fighting but we do love express feelings no fight.




  1. Yeah...try contributing some amount to an orphanage or an old-age home...If you can't spare enough money, your mere company can give them lots of happiness...

    Especially in old-age homes where people leave their parents to can go and spend some time with them listening to their joys and sorrows...everyone has a story to tell...and the company of the wise old folk can help you very much in life also ads to your good karmas...

    And believe old-age home is a place where you get pure and un-adulterated body loves you for your money, your looks or anything else...they love you because they love you...

    And when you go there when you are really depressed, you will realise that you are much better off than many of them...

    If you want to earn money out of all that, just start a fund...keep 30% of the fund's income for yourself and give the rest to the old-age home...

  2. get the feelings in valentine's day

    is this not the answer means try this

    visit some places which will create for love

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