
Any aries/taurus cusp that can answer this?Others can answer also..i really need help

by  |  earlier

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Im A Capricorn Girl and the guy i like is an Aries/Taurus Cusp Sign.

I can tell her always liked me but now he says he hates me?Could that be true..and for no reason at all?




  1. You might have done something but after he kinda 'rejected' you he will start to have feelings for you  

  2. I'm an aries/taurus cusp ,but I only did that when I was younger. I acted like I hated someone and teased them when I really liked them. It really sounds like he hates you, maybe he didn't really know you well until now.


    ***. I was around age 12 when I did that ,but now I really don't tell anyone I like them ,I never have. I don't know if he likes you or not ,but I really hope he was joking around or just was temporarily angry at you. Also remember you guys are very compatible he may just be having stressful time right now or be flirting. Well I may be right or wrong ,but best wishes.

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