
Any art jobs for 17 yearolds?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anything I can do in the summer related to art to make money besides selling my paintings. I can't ever sell my paintings, those are my babies! What else can I do?? Can I look send creative ideas to agencies, and companies, and then they give me a check? Or am I just in an other world?




  1. The best thing you can do is to get a job directly involved with the arts community. Working for a gallery, art shop, etc. Even if it means sweeping the floor for minimum wage. This way you'll get to know professional artists - and if you have a nice personality, they'll like you. They might ask you to stay around for the next opening. When you become a person to them, and not just "the high school part-timer" they can be enormously helpful in critiquing and marketing your work.

    The art business is very much about who you know and whether they want to help you.

    (ps. No agency is going to give you a check for one of your ideas unless they know that somebody has already bought one of your ideas. This is why connections are significant)

  2. The only thing you can do at this age is to go into business for yourself and sell your own art (if you have any) or sell other people's art for them.

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