
Any benefits for Vietnam from South Africa?

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Or will we South Africans be the only beneficiaties of benefits in the closer ties now forged between our countries.




  1. probably you will get hosed in vietnam. The only country you can possible break even with is the US in trade even though they get a bad rap most of the time at least they try to be fair.

  2. I think that SA will probably come out best on this deal as clothing made in VN is very cheap and with export costs to SA the price for purchase will still be a lot cheaper than you can make them for in SA. Steel, oil etc is another commodity that VN has that will benefit SA. For the VN side of things there is a big gold & diamond market in VN so I would expect some of that to be coming this way which will hopefully keep the prices down so that all can afford them

  3. Don't you think that anytime a country has ties to another both have a good deal?  I wish the US would have even closer ties with Vietnam.  Their economy is booming and they have so many items to offer, like fish,clothing and steel for good prices.  Cheers.

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