
Any black people voting for McCain?

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If you are, do you view yourself as a self hating black person? Not my opinion, but I'm just asking a question




  1. i'm not, but not due to race. his policies don't help me or my environment. they help rich ppl kind of like gwb is helping rich folks now

    also i'm in college and want that grant obama is offering in return for community service

  2. Yes I have a few black friends that are.  They do not hate other black people, they are not shallow.  

  3. I'm not black but my friend is. I don't think he hates black people. Most of his friends including his wife and children are all black, hehe. I'm voting for Obama cause I know McCain will be worse than Bush. McCain is a war mongerer, Bush was just stupid.

  4. I know several blacks that are voting for McCain....I know several that are voting Obama....all of them say that their votes are issue-based and not race-based.  These arre friends and associates of mine, so I choose to respect what they are saying rather than be cynical.

  5. I agree C S above me, and I'll take it one step further and say Democrats have taken the black vote for granted, and don't actually do anything for them nowadays. And yeah theres a group of black people voting GOP.

  6. There are culturally misguided people in every race, so yeah I guess a few will, but it is more in their self interests.

  7. Personally I think pro life blacks or anti g*y blacks may vote for MC Cain in my opinion though it doesn't matter whether MC Cain or Obama are Pro Life or Pro Choice because in reality the law isn't going to get changed anyway. I think they just mention their stance for votes.

  8. There will be a few. Less than 10% more than likely.  

  9. Are white women voting for McCain just because she a white woman or are you looking at the issues? (If you were, you would notice that she in nothing more then a vote grabbing lacky)

    Are you voting for McCain because he is an old white man? Because he is someone that you can relate to because of his skin? Because he looks like you? That most of middle American if voting for him because they cant stomach a back man in office? (yes racism is still alive and strong today in America.) Or are you actually trying to debate the issues that plague America today? Are your understanding of the present administrations major faults and where McCain falls into them?

    Do people actually do research or do they just listen to what "someone" else says and goes with it? (I tend to agree that is the case.) Have you really done the research?

    Some black people can look at the issues and see what is before them. Some black people may see this as a way to get back at the "Old Guard." White people are voting for Obama and in Urban area I see them coming out in droves in support.

  10. i'm not black, but I have black friends voting for obama and when i ask why the say "change". TO that i say change what?

    i also have black friends and their voting for MCCAIN. when i ask why, the give specific reasons.

    I think most people don't know why they're voting for obama.  

  11. not this one

  12. some are some arent. i dont know the percsentage

  13. Do you view yourself as ignorant? People have the free right to vote for who they think will do a better job, Not just because of the color of their skin

  14. Any Black person who does not vote for Obama is a traitor to his race.

    Any White person who does not vote for Obama is prejudices.

    I cannot see why any Black would support McCain.  He is strictly pandering to White millionaires.

  15. I don't know any.

  16. I doubt any black folks would vote for him

    I don't see why anyone one would after seeing him in action for 8 years already  

  17. I'm not black, and I'm not voting for Obama, but I give the blacks more credit than you apparently do. I think they will vote for the person, and not the color of their skin. What a racist to even think such a thing. YOU are the reason we have race problems in this country. Get over yourself!

  18. Maybe they don't hate themselves if they are voting for McCain. Maybe they are merely misinformed.

  19. I think it would be racist to assume any person of color would be self-hating to vote for someone who was not "black."

  20. Jesse Jackson...........

  21. I think there are a couple, according to the polls.

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