
Any body been pregnant and got positive OPK's, but a negative HPT???

by  |  earlier

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i have gotten positive OPK's now for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT. and i've taken two per day at different times. all of them were very dark and showed up immediately. they're DEFINITELY positive. and i'm 5 or 6 days away from my period.

some people have told me that i could be pregnant possibly. but i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. i've been trying though.

so i guess my question is, if i was pregnant, could i get a positive opk this soon and a negative pregnancy test???

do you have any stories or know anything about this???




  1. :)

  2. I have the same thing happening to me. I have a definite positive OPK but an negative HPT result. I am on CY 26 and DPO 10. I have been reading different sites. There seem to be four different explanations out there for this. 1. You are pregnant 2. You are ovulating late 3. You have a medical condition such as PCOS 4. You are using medication that can interfere with the accuracy of the test.
    I have read stories of people who where pregnant when they had a positive OPK and negative HPT. I have also read stories of people who was just ovulating late and their AF came late that cycle.
    I know it is all so confusing! However, according to an OPK is not a reliable test for pregnancy.
    When you are TTC it is so easy to get your hopes up. I guess all we can do is wait and see. Please come back and let us know what happened and I will do the same.
    Baby Dust to all!!!

  3. I have the same thing happening to me. I have a definite positive OPK but an negative HPT result. I am on CY 26 and DPO 10. I have been reading different sites. There seem to be four different explanations out there for this. 1. You are pregnant 2. You are ovulating late 3. You have a medical condition such as PCOS 4. You are using medication that can interfere with the accuracy of the test.
    I have read stories of people who where pregnant when they had a positive OPK and negative HPT. I have also read stories of people who was just ovulating late and their AF came late that cycle.
    I know it is all so confusing! However, according to an OPK is not a reliable test for pregnancy.
    When you are TTC it is so easy to get your hopes up. I guess all we can do is wait and see. Please come back and let us know what happened and I will do the same.
    Baby Dust to all!!!

  4. Were you pregnant?  I have the same issue.

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