
Any body concerned about the environment?

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im going to be an inviromentalist to try and save the blue planet . dose anybody out there care bout the planet ?




  1. yes,but to bad nobody knows what their doing

  2. BIG TIME!!! We live here on Earth. It is our problem to deal with.

  3. moi! duh i love the environment too....

  4. yes everyone says they do. but they are the first people to hop in their huge suv's and sit on the freeway in a traffic jam. the only way people are really going to start changing is if big business starts taking a more active role in the environment instead of looking at everything as dollars and cents and start doing things for the good of the people and not their pockets

  5. Most people do. The first thing any real environmentalist should do is persuade people to stop wasting time and money on AGW. Billions have been spent on this mindless topic, and other real issues have been forgotten.

    Think if we spent the billions not on AGW (which has a zero results), but on providing clean water to poor nations. Or spent it on litter clean up, etc.

    To really improve the environment, first start on the third world nations. It is proven that the poorer the people, the less they worry about the environment. If we could help bring capitalism to them, the environment would prosper.

  6. Yeah, but not many people do.  

    I do my part and hopefully others will get out of their own bubble and do theirs.

  7. Many, many of us care. When enough of us do something about it such as generating our own electricity and give up gasoline, then governments will follow suit, if only to regulate us.

  8. totally don't listen to the guy on top. he dosen't know what hez talkin' about.

  9. We're all doomed.

  10. my page speaks for me

  11. Of course I am!

    I'm pretty young and it really disgusts me that so many people who I'm supposed to respect and idolise who are older than me don't.

    Or they supposedly do, but it's all just a big stunt to get votes/publicity/attention.

    It's OUR Earth. It's OUR responsibility.

  12. environmentalists don't care about the planet. They care only about spreading socialism.

    Conservationalists care about the planet. Don't confuse the two.

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