
Any body got any updates on the Meteorite in Peru?

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Meteorites has sulfurous gasses?

They said there no Evidence of any kind. Where did it go?




  1. This story was fascinating to me. I've been trying to find updates and MSNBC finally has a video. They think compounds from the meteorite (if it was one) mixed with ground water to emit noxious fumes.

  2. Acording to the last estimates over 600 people are sick, everone who has gone near it has gotten sick and cattle in the area are dying. One I first read about it only 10 people were sick, it jumped from 10 to 600 in 24 hours. This is according to a BBC article, which is pretty reliable. They don't know what's causing it, because the meteor is buried in the Earth under water, the main complaints were of gasses.

  3. A meteorite has struck a remote part of Peru and carved a large crater that is emitting noxious odors and making villagers ill, according to local press reports.

    A fireball streaked across the Andean sky late on Saturday night and crashed into a field near Carancas, a sparsely populated highland wilderness near Lake Titicaca on the border with Bolivia, witnesses said.

    The orange streak and loud bang were initially thought to be a plane crashing. When farmers went to investigate, however, they found a crater at least 10m wide and 5m deep, but no sign of wreckage.

  4. i do but u cant have it its mine ahahahahaha

  5. I read the account in the newspaper and it is very strange.  The article did note about the boiling water that came up. . . well that area is very volcanic.  The volcano 'Misty' is right there at Arequipa and the meteorite may have hit some vents that heated up the permafrost, it may also accounted for the strange smell that made people sick. . . .venting of sulfurous gasses out of the volcanic vents. . . .not the meteorite.  Yes I would also like to know more

  6. I have read  about it online in my morning, when they said that many pple was getting sick bcoz of some gas.

    After that, havent read or watch any other thing about it.

    I am as you are, and  should like a bit more about that.

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