
Any body know about ibs? how better treatment for this?

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Any body know about ibs? how better treatment for this?




  1. Reducing your sugar intake might perhaps help.  See item 141 (of items 1-146) in .

    Both liquid chlorophyll and pineapple promote a healthy digestive environment and the two natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil also both help.

    Further natural remedies can be found in a web search for ibs + "natural remedies".

  2. It depends on the person.

    For me, taking extra probiotics helped as did increasing my fiber.  I began eating more foods that are not processed and making sure I ate less greasy food.  Also eating until I'm not hungry anymore (instead of being really FULL!!!) helped too.

  3. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS  is a disorder characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. IBS causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, but it does not permanently harm the intestines and does not lead to a serious disease, such as cancer.

    A healthy lifestyle, like eating fiber-rich food, drinking a lot of water and getting some regular exercise, couple with effective stress management techniques are best options when dealing with both IBS and constipation at the same time.


  5. IBS is often associated with Candida Overgrowth, please see the following website.

    My sister suffered from IBS for years, she is now cured from IBS, by following a nutritional approach/ a special 3 day Apple Fast, this was her supplement regime:



    Day 1

    - 10-15 Red/Golden Delicious {most high in pectin, do not substitute for Green apples} Apples

    - 3 litres of Alkali Water, {to make alkali add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to every litre of filtered/spring water}

    - Coffee e***a

    - 4x S. Boulardii Probiotic Supplement {this flushes out Candida Albicans, and lodged fecal matter, use this instead of imodium/laxatives}

    - Oil of Oregano Capsules x 4

    - Oxygen Elements Plus/Max by GHT, 21 drops, trice daily as 7 drops in a glass of filtered water

    - 3 tablespoons of Colloidal Silver, in between meals


    Day 2

    Same as Day 1, although substitute the 'Oil of Oregano Capsules x 4' for 4x Olive Leaf Extract


    Day 3

    - Same as Day 2, although substitute '4 x Olive Leaf Extract' for 4 x High potency Ginger/Allicin Extract

    - Drink  1 glass of grape juice before bed

    - And 1-2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to restart digestion.


    After Care Day {Continue for 6months}

    - 4.5g of Glutamine powder, before bed, to heal the gut/leaky Gut Syndrome, damage caused by Candida Albicans

    - Extra Virgin Cocconut Oil 4 tablespoons per day, after meals, this heals the gut also, and kills any remaining Candida Albicans/other pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses.

    - Oxygen Elements Max/Plus 21 drops, 7 drops thrice daily, or a cheaper alternative would be Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade, 1 drop to a pint of water, build up slowly, do not exceed 25 drops.

    - Ginkgo Biloba 60mg per day - Increase blood circulation/ treat low mood from IBS/candida

    - Vitamin/Mineral complex by Higher Nature 'Advanced Nutrition Complex', to eliminate dificiencies from the fast, and give the body what it needs to heals itself. 3 capsules daily. 1x Omega 3 by 'Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega'

    - Kefir - made at home {join Yahoo Kefir Making Group, to obtain Kefir Grains} drink 1 pint for breakfast, 1 pint prior to bedtime. This is a probiotic drink.

    - Fivelac probiotic supplement by GHT, 4 times daily, then twice daily for maintenance.

    - S. Boulardii x1 capsule, prior to bedtime.

    - Anti-Candida Diet, no sugar, yeasts, ect.


    Continue for 6 months, then leave the supplements, continue to eat healthy, eat sugar moderately, continue taking Vitamin/Mineral complex and Omega 3.

    This will cure IBS. Goodluck if you choose to follow the protocol outlined above. The above fast is designed by me, combining knowledge from various sources and alternative medicine books.

    Hope this helps.

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