
Any body know any good christian skateboarding team in miami?

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Any body know any good christian skateboarding team in miami?




  1. im sorry but therre is no such thing

    please answer my question:;...

  2. What? You cant skateboard with non-christians now?

  3. This is a SURFING site. I appreciate your religiosity, but check out skateboarding.

  4. no but i know plenty of Buddhist ones :P

  5. What on earth is a christian skateboarding team?  What do you do, nail your feet to the board?

  6. Why does the religion matter?

    Skateboarding is skateboarding no matter who is skating a voodoo priest,a chirstian or a satanist.

    Sports,Music is different from religion please keep the sports clean from religion.

  7. Just follow for what you believe in skateboarding,there is no such thing as that but just don't do bad things like soe people do..

  8. Get in contact with the professor:

    Jesus Rocks!

  9. Christian Skateboarding Team?

    Wow.. churches actually support skating?

    Every time I skateboard through the church's courtyard the pastors always swear to the Holy Bible they'll do something.. well.. unholy.

    Idk, man.  You most likely will not be able to find a Christian Skateboard Team..

    But there are definitely regular Skate Teams out there.

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