
Any body know anything about Laser eye surgery?

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Hi anyone have laser eye surgery in ireland if so was it worthwhile, successful, where was it done and what was the cost: thanks a mill :)




  1. Hey, i know this doesnt answer your question, sorry.

    But, i'm sixteen, and have been wearing glasses for 10 years now, god they get annoying ! and sometimes i wish i didnt have to wear them!

    And could do without the hastle of putting contacts in and out,

    I am realllllly badly short sighted, i wake up in the morning and i cant see,

    the first thing i do is feel for my glasses.

    Im interested in laser eye surgery, but im scared, as your sight is so precious to you, and would hate to loose it.

    But proceedures usually are very effective, and have no complications atall.

    I hope your proceedure goes well, if you get it done !

    good luck, and let me know how you got on?



  2. Go to and you can research it all and get referals all over the place. I think they can even direct you to a place you can get to.

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