
Any body know anything about adult golden retrievers?

by  |  earlier

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I have had this adult golder for about a week now, I got home one day and found him at my house. I have bathed and brushed him. He is very fat however his hair is still all knotted up, I have put posting up around town, checked the local newspaper and nobody has claimed him yet. He gets along well with my basset hound, although I'm worried if he'll try to kill my adult cat that I've had for 12 years. He smells her and when he sees her he starts whining. My cat has been hiding for awhile. I tell him no, he whines. I'm worried about my cat. I think someone dropped him off. Also , I had kids come over today and the golden didn't really like them, he was barking and didn't like the kids petting him. I thought Golden's were family dogs. Please help don't want to take him the humane society, they'll kill him. He is extremely smart and has gray around his nose. He know to sit,stay and shake.




  1. You didn't ask a question, you told us a story...

  2. I don't know what your question is.

    Most golden retrievers are family dogs, but every dog had a different personality. Maybe he just doesn't like kids, maybe he hasn't been around them much, maybe he's old (dogs can be more moody when they're older).

    He seems like a great dog. Most likely he'll get adopted.

    You can talk to the shelter. Tell them you want him to be adopted, but if he doesn't get adopted you rather have him back than he be killed. (I don't know what they'd say, it's just an idea)

    There are also golden retrievers rescues, see if there is one near by. It's be a great alternative to a shelter.

    Some shelters and rescues have/use foster families till the animal gets adopted. Perhaps you could be the foster family for him till he gets adopted.

  3. If he really doesn't fit into your family.

    Why don't you give him away to friends or family.

    Or you could sell him in the papers.

    Golden Retrievers are brilliant dogs, but his behaviour might be from the way he was treated. I'm sure you wouldn't be to joyed to be dumped somewhere and then taken in by strangers.

    But well done on taking him in.

    I bet a lot of people wouldn't have :) x

  4. You sound as if you think dogs are magically created as either being 'good, obedient' dogs or not. The fact is, that good dogs are generally the result of good owners. Being a golden doesn't mean it has no prey drive or good socialization. And given that you don't know it's history, it could have no previous experience with either cats or children.  You can't expect a dog you have no history with and no idea of what it's parents are like to behave in any particular manner.  The breed alone does not create the dog.  Of much more importance are the parents, how it was raised and how it was socialized.  It sounds as if you need to contact the Golden Retriever Rescue and get a local group to take in this dog. They can properly evaluate the dog and find the right home for it.

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