i have one beautiful rooster and 3 full grown young hens.they started laying eggs.now my daudghter wants me to help her out with her four years old daughter,till she start going school next year.i can lock the house if i could not get any one to rent,but these 4 pets,i am day and night thinking if some one adopt them or keep them till i may come back.i asked in my neighborhood,all they want to eat them.which make me feel very sick in the stomoch.these hens are very friendly.they look at me like their master and wait for me to go and feed them.
is there any one who love the birds and wants to keep them.please help me.i will be leaving miami in the end of september.you can have fresh eggs every day at least one for sure.some times two and some day all three lay eggs.one of my neighbor buys eggs from me and pays $3/dozen.and very happy to have those eggs.
my email.fjrizvi@yahoo.com. any advice,if you are in this situation what you will do?i need foster parents for my birds.