
Any body visited simla/kulu/manali in recent time?

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Any body visited simla/kulu/manali in recent time?


any body visited simla/kulu/manali in recent time?

Especially from Gujarat state. I & my friends are planning to have a trip to these places in first week of March. But due to the weather reports coming daily, I thought it would be better to take an opinion of somebody who has already visited.

So, please tell me your experience regarding the climate condition over there these days





  1. Yeah, I visited Kulu manali in Jan. But I think in march weather will be very gud and pleasent. You can take help from:


  3. I visited this area in Jan 1st week

    we arrived by flight to Delhi and drove to Shimla (7 to 8 hours approx) the drive is not bad, the roads are being upgraded. In Shimla the weather is good but you will need a good hotel with proper heating. The drive from Shimla to Manali is not good for the guys with a week stomach, they better take motion sickness tabs. The first 2 hrs part of the ghat from Shimla to Manali is real bad, very narrow, steep turns, even best of the best vomit, make sure you travel on a light stomach.

    Manali the weather is real cold and it snowed cats and dogs when we arrive, when it shows only four wheel drive vehicle can ply around and if you don't have one it would be real expensive to move around, make sure in Manali your hotel has prover heating as most of them only have these real small heater which take about 5 to 6 hours to warm the room. the drive from Manali to Delhi is like 13 to 15 hours an can be back breaking.

    in short, March is a good time to go, you might get to see snow in Kufri (near Shimla) and at Rohtang at Manali, you will not have the same prob I had, but do carry a good warm jacket and proper walking shoes, book your self in good hotels and make sure you have good vehicle to get you there

    have fun !!! Bon Voyage !!!

    Avinash J Welinkar

    Travel Consultant

    Indian Escapade Travel Shoppee

    cell 09890033730

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