
Any body whos any one can answer this?

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who believes the BIG BANG theory? what created the big bang? no scientist is going to sit and tell me that this happened!!! i definatley believe god created all!




  1. Who else could have created it?  Did you know that if you altered any of the properties of electromagnetic radiation, gravity or strong and weak nuclear forces and the universe wouldn't exist.  It is all to perfect to be created by anything other than God.

  2. when you think about it " God" is a human made concept. in the beginningg a single human had to have written the bible. But yes i do belive that  there has to be some mystical force or being that created the universe. after all what are the chances of a star being the right temprature and a planet being the right distance away to sustain such complex beings that the beings themselves cannot re create themselves by artifical methords. If you ask me an all mighty does exist but i do not belive on adam and eve and most of the bible. i belive that something created the universe and is always sustaining it.

  3. good for you, you want a cookie?

    if you wanna believe in a mysterious magical man that sits in the sky watching everything you do, that's your own buisness... me i'd rather look for more logical solutions.  

  4. perhaps god created the big bang

  5. Well what created God? See, your in the same boat as we are right now. We do have a leading theory for WHAT caused the big bang, according to the string theory. Two "branes" collided, creating a massive explosion, creating the universe. But there is no way to prove what caused the big bang with current technology, but I do believe that someday we will be able to prove what caused the big bang. The big bang theory itself is basically proven. We know that the universe is expanding, and we know that an even caused the universe to start, and caused it to start expanding. So the idea is basically proven. The reason why it is still called a theory is because we don't know what started it. That is the only missing part, but we are fairly close to discovering what started it. But on God's side, what proof is there? There is a book of insane stories. God supposedly created the Earth 6000 years ago (Genesis says it was) yet there are multiple documented human civilizations dating back greater than 6000 years ago. Yet geological data clearly shows that the Earth was created 4.5 billion years ago. I won't attempt to explain evolution because you'll just block it out, so I won't bother there, but evolution is also basically proven like the big bang theory.

    And no pope can sit there and tell me how God was created... they don't have a clue. Yet we have multiple theories on how the big bang came about. What are your theories for God's creation? Read up on the science before you make accusations.

  6. im christian, i believe in god.  but i still wonder...

  7. Believe whatever you like, however, just know this:

    God/s or the idea of God/s are the invention of mans imagination made up by feeble uneducated ancient simpletons that had no other way of explaining our existence. That is Man created God/s, not the other way around.

    If you actually took the time to think for yourself about the preposterous notion that there is in reality some invisible sky fairy that is all powerful and all controlling, you would actually realise how absurd that notion truly is.

  8. Physics does not try to describe phenomena outside of our Universe. "What created the Big Bang?" is not a valid scientific question. No scientist will "sit and tell [you] that this happened" because you wouldn't believe and/or know what he's saying, both because you close-minded, religious, and are most likely not trained in the jargon of the field. What you believe created the Big Bang is an irrelevance.

    An aside to prevent confusion: Revo Emag, a scientific theory is not simply a theory. A 'theory' in common usage refers to a guess; a 'theory' in science is a logical model that describes phenomena (if it's well-supported by empirical evidence, as the Big Bang model is) with remarkable accuracy.

  9. The Big Bang and God coexist in my mind. The liberal government doesn't want you to believe in God. The church doesn't want you to believe in the Big Bang. Why can't you think for yourself? Don't let other people brainwash you - it's happening to too many young people, and young people are the future. I can't imagine what the world is going to be like in a couple of years...

  10. The big bang and all that stuff, steady state universe, multi verses, holographic universes, is the result of a bunch of trust fund kids pretending they have jobs.  These very same people would not agree upon what happened at last week's  cocktail party.  It is the worst of our welfare state.

    Go with God.

  11. if you believe the Universe was created by a guy with a bad hairdo wearing a bedsheet... FINE!

    does it really MATTER what science claims?  you won't believe any of it anyway... your mind is made up, i.e.  closed.

    God (Goddess, Godlings, Demi-Gods, etc) doesn't exist.  It's easy to demonstrate that, but I won't bore you.

    The Big Bang is a theory.  God is an imaginary white guy that gives you presents on Christmas.  No, wait... that's Santa Claus.  Same diff.

  12. You spelt definitely wrong. Who's to say your beliefs aren't wrong too?

  13. It's not hard to believe in something which has no proof. It's called faith. Some people believe in God, some don't. Some believe in the Big Bang, some don't. It only matters to the individual. A theory is just that...a theory. It stays a theory until it is hypothesized, then proven. Personally, I believe in both. It is written, "And God said, 'Let there be light'." Then BANG, and there was light.

  14. Genesis 1:1 BABY! =]

  15. IF the Big Bang theory is correct (one big 'IF'):

    If you truly understand quantum mechanics then you will know that the Big Bang theory requires a creator by fiat. Think of the universe in reverse until it's small enough to be completely described by quantum mechanics alone. In order for the universe to start unfolding into what we see now, our universe's specific wave function had to be brought into existence as a certain possibility out of an infinite number of other possible wave functions that had to collapse or at least decohere. At this fuzzy nanoscopic beginning, this required a 'Prime Observer' to enable this and set the expansion of the universe into motion and those initial conditions became the very facets of physical law. What we refer to as this finely tuned 'reality'. This need for an 'observer' comes from the basic quantum mechanical concept known as Shrodinger's Cat. Also, we must remember that the universe is being said to have come from nowhere which implies an act of 'creation'. This expansion of the universe is also alluded to 11 times in the Bible: Job 9:8 ; Psalm 104:2 ; Isaiah 40:22 ; Isaiah 42:5 ; Isaiah 44:24 ; Isaiah 45:12 ; Isaiah 48:13 ; Isaiah 51:13 ; Jeremiah 10:12 ; Jeremiah 51:15 ; Zechariah 12:1

    The Bible also alludes to the soon to come Big Rip:

    Revelation 6:14 ; Isaiah 34:4 ; 2 Peter 3:10

  16. Maybe God created the big bang....but then that brings the question what created God?  

  17. Did it ever occur to you that the big bang might be the way God did it?

    "Let there be light"

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