
Any books on do it yourself chiropractic help out there?

by  |  earlier

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I hate spending 50 bucks on something so simple. These adjustments they do seem so easy, I think I could just get a partner to do alot of them.




  1. If you have a friend adjust you, then you are asking for real trouble. Have a chiropractor do it, they are trained to do it right.

  2. NO!  I know they look easy, but if you do something wrong it can cause SERIOUS damage, and you'll be out a lot more than 50 bucks.  Try yoga if you want to try something different, it really loosens you up and stretches you out.

  3. its takes years to master the moves~~ doing it yourself or to someone else can cause serious damage

  4. I do not recommend it.  Except possibly for the thoracic spine and somewhat for the low back.  Do not -play with the neck.  Leave that to the pros.  And also you may be able to fix small problems but you still will need the chiro but maybe a little less.  I still do not recommend it but since you aske here is a video.  I think you can e mail the DC that made the vide and get the info on how to purchase the class.

  5. If a partner does it it's not "do it your self".

    For a true do it your self process capable of fixing any thing that generates a discomfort signal read

  6. Been to many chiropractors only one helped and it was temporary. Maybe lasted one day. There are books on how to build your back and stomach muscles. Ergonomics in the work place. You can learn a lot from yahoo health. I would pay the difference and go to a spine specialist.

  7. chriopractic is foot care hmm right.

    Well basically I know some aquapressure where u apply pressure points to ur feet and this stimulates sertain parts around the body. Even on Youtube they do a demonstration video.

    Also reflexology is good, it also shows them on youtube.

  8. There are a bunch of books out there on it.  Just do a search for chiropractic do it  yourself.

    For the most part you spine gets out of alignment because of the tension on you muscles.  Take care of those and you won't need adjustments.  Stretch, exercise, don't eat sugar or gluten and dairy product and you will be healthier than ever and more then $50 richer.

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