
Any car mechanics out there who can answer this question, my freinds health is being affected?????

by  |  earlier

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My friend is a car mechanic and he has asthma, he says he thinks it is from the fumes at work. especially diesel engines, he says there is black soot everywhere, he wants to know what to do about it and who to contact for safety any ideas




  1. contact health and safety in your area

  2. Contact Your Local Health And Safety Executive either tell them your name or stay anonymous i am quite sure they will be happy to hear from you because they are NOT a government funded foundation and all the money they get is from fines.

    But dont be scared they arent going to come in and fine them straight away they will come in check the health and safety out tell them what they have to put right and give them a date to do it by.

    If by the time the date comes and they havent done anything or its not up to their standards then they will issue a fine or closure notice until its sorted.

    But dont tell your boss cause they will know it was you if health and safety come snooping i have put the site that you can get the number off below

    Hope this helps

  3. Shouldn't there be a Health and Safety officer there at all times or even check every now and then?

  4. contact the health and safety council in writng.

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