
Any celtic fans fancy a blether about the biscuit tin that has returned..?

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loovens £2.5m malarkey £1m.mcourt £?...would you trust strachan with giro money...graveson £2.4m plus loyalty bonus, virgo £1m written off jarosik £2.2m hinkell £2.9m....

davis £3m edu £2.5 mendes £3.75m.




  1. any more of these slanderous jokes and we will want young joe to replace you.hope hes doing well pal.keep the faith

  2. Struth, don't you know that:

    "We will sign players, after the Euro's"

    Happily for us, Lawell the liar was talking about Baloney and Goofy the Greek ?

    A turkey shoot for us on Sunday, wonder who we will play up front ?

    Boyd/Velicka/Miller/Novo/Lafferty/Darc... ?

    Maybe we should loan a couple of strikers to Septic, to make it a wee bit fair ?

    Killen got a game on Saturday.  Enough said.


  3. head &shoulders tins of biscuits have you been to the local spar

  4. tut tut dont slag off the loovens transfer just because u could not afford him and with the extra tv money for the cl this season we will have to get a bigger biscuit tin dont suppose u could put a word in with sir david murray and ask for a loan of his he must have one spare one set aside that says superdome on the side of it

  5. is there any clitoris creams in the biscuit tin ?

  6. Naw, no really, beacuse it's pretty boring, continually goin over pish like this, but, If it makes you happy, by all means carry on!

  7. Well dear heart, that biscuit tin has just secured Celtic £15m in the group phase alone this year.

    I might even buy a tin of Victoria's Selection biscuits for all my Rangers colleagues this Chrimbo.

    I take your point on Davis, but why would Redknapp sell a midfielder in the EPL is he thought he was worth keeping?

    Edu, let's wait and see.

  8. no we have all been through it a thousand times before

    its not the money its the quality and the players who want to play for the club..panic buying to appease a fans riot is justification enough for me thanks

  9. In Gordon We

    4 in a row, you

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