
Any chance tonight is the start of a huge race war in the USA?

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There are a lot of people defending the racist connections of BHO.




  1. I hope we learned from the Koreans in the last one in L A ...One little 5 ft 4 ft guy protecting his livelihood and his family

  2. No, whats the use of fighting amongst ourselves when the problem is in our government.

    This is being blown way out of poportion, Obama didnt say it why is it a issue. If thats the case why hasnt there been big news about McCains buddy in San Antonio. A little bit about him in the link at the bottom.

    As a American i would much rather hear about how Obama would propose to fix our economy. Same goes for McCain and Clinton, all the empty rhetoric leads us nowhere. This mans not racist he said the n word, where i grew up this is common language. We dont shudder when we hear the word, unless its used in a demeaning manner. If you're not poor and you dont know any black people dont try to understand just know black people do it.

    He said this country was run by rich white people ummm did he lie.... thats what it looks like to me. This country has always been ran by rich white people whats new.

    He said Clinton didnt know what it was like being a black male growing up on the south side of Chicago, she will never know whats it like..

    Where is the racism in this i must have missed what everyones gawking over.

    Dont pretend you understand where someone came from unless you actually been there.

  3. no.

  4. Not tonight. I predict August or November of this year.

    And guess who will start it?

  5. nah, people know better then to mess with whitey, but the people that go to churches like are probably reading yahoo answers for more conspiracies they can use to keep the day dream alive.

  6. it is getting quite active

    one group or another will surely pull someone out of a vehicle and hurt them

  7. Why a race war? This election should never have anything to do with race, just truth and being a true American.

  8. As far as I 'm concerned, it started shortly after the beginning of time. I've not seen too much improvement to say otherwise. I stand firm that I am sourced in creation's goodness and love. I am concerned with THE PEOPLE, that's what I'm about.

  9. I don't think so.  To date, Sen. Obama...BHO as you refer to him...has functioned as a true uniter.  Unlike Pres. Bush who talks the talk but is unable to walk the walk, BHO does walk the walk.

    It is sad that petty people who revel in dissension and disorder have a need to support the likes of Pres. Bush.  Pres. Bush is damaged goods.  He is obviously mentally ill.  If you want 4 more years of Bush philosophy and insanity, then Sen.McSame is your candidate.  If you want a new direction for our country, then Sen. Obama or Sen.Clinton should be your choices.

    Bush lied and our soldiers died in a war that never needed to be fought in Iraq.  Never forget that.  I speak as a vet who has been there, done that and bought the T-shirt.  I love my country.  May God bless our troops wherever they are.  may God d**n the chickenhawks in the Bush Administration who lied them into a no win situation in Iraq.

  10. I wish, I'm f*ckin bored!

  11. c**p- like anyone is going to break into yahoo windows and loot yahoo stores and beat up yahoo Reginald Denny's. Get a grip.

    Nobody is doing Jack outside but to verify that, go to CNN.

  12. Nope--seems Obama is disavowing his former pastor's inflammatory statements....

  13. put down the meth pipe

  14. no, not very likely.

  15. Probably limited to the Democrats who think it actually matters that BHO got more votes and other Dems who want to anoint Madam Hillary.  That would be like Bush attending KKK meetings for 20 YEARS.  It is actually worse in a way because that is where he goes to CHURCH.  Wow, I used to think McCain was a bad candidate!  Dems can sure pick em.

  16. If BHO loses the convention or the election, there will probably be riots for a day or two but that's all.  If he's assassinated on the other hand, there will be really serious violence at least as bad as when MLK got it.  Still the US power structure survived the MLK riots and it will survive the BHO riots too if that comes to pass.

    What it will not survive is another Great Depression and there's good reason to think another one may be coming.  The problem is that like it or not, the modern US is a multicultural society, not a nation-state.  Societies like this one can survive, even thrive, as long as times are good. But when times are tough, they don't last.  They don't last because they're a zoo of mutually hostile races, sects, and tribes with no reason to trust each other and every reason not to.

    The USA today is a giant Bosnia waiting to happen.  The only thing holding it together anymore is money and when the money runs out, watch out!


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