
Any child sponsor programs NOT affiliated with religion?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to sponsor a child, but I'd never give money to an organization that spent even a penny on anything evangelistic. The largest one I know of, World Vision, is an organization that spreads Christian dogma to the children.

Are there any secular foundations?




  1. From what I've found, I think that Save the Children is secular.  At least they don't have anything that says they're religious.

    Edit: I couldn't find anything on their site or their Wikipedia saying that they're religious

  2. Children International

    Kenya Kids International

    Tibet Aid

    Orphan Sponsorship International

    this last one is great because there's a page where you can see exactly what they spend your money on

  3. I know what you mean.

    Foster Parents Plan is secular.

    There's also a micro-investment organization called Kiva (kiva,org) that you might want to look into.

    BTW, Save the Children is a religious organization.

  4. I could be wrong, but I dont think Big Bro Big Sis is religiously affliated.  They accept monetary donations just as much as they do time.

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