My husband and I are happily childfree for many reasons, but the main one I'd say is that I don't like children. Seriously, I don't find them cute or adorable in any way. I know it's taboo to say, but it's really how I feel. Now, I'm not MEAN to children. I just avoid being around them when possible: ask for a table away from them at restaurants, go to late night movies (although that's no guarantee anymore), travel using adult only travel tours, etc... Clearly, if I'm forced to interact with a child I'm capable of seeming pleasant enough until they go away.
However, today a co-worker who had been out on maternity leave stopped in with her baby today. She's a nice enough gal, we chat a little, but she's not my best friend or anything. Anyway, everyone was ohhhing and awwwing over her baby, and I was keeping my distance trying to concentrate on my work. Then, of course she comes over with the baby. And, I'm just so over it. I'm 25, and I'm tired feigning interest in children. She asks, "Do you want to hold the baby? Take a picture with her?" I politely say, "No, thank you." Already people are looking at me like I just said I kill puppies for fun. Then she pushes it saying, "How could you not want to hold this precious little girl?!" So, I guess i get a little snippy and reply, "Because your precious little girl is smelly, drooling, and is likely to start screaming at any moment. There is no part of me that even remotely desires to go near that thing." She made a face and finally walked away.
Did I lose my cool, yes. But, wasn't she pushing it? Tell me I'm not wrong? Tell me we can finally move into an age where people can freely admit they don't care about your kids?