
Any clairvoyants here now?

by  |  earlier

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tell me who am I gonna marry.... and what will be my profession




  1. You will marry a man, unless you are homosexual.

    You will work in a field which compensates you for your time.  You will provide a service for someone or something.  It will involve communicating with others.  It will also involve dealing with products and some reading too.

  2. Clairvoyants aren't real.

    Please don't keep asking the same question.

  3. I'm sorry, but there is no credible scientific evidence for the existence of clairvoyant powers. No clairvoyant has ever stepped up and demonstrated something out of the ordinary. It's fantasy.

    By the way, this is the Science & Mathematics category. If you're wanting only mystical answers, you would probably have better luck in a different category, maybe Folklore & Mythology.

  4. A clairvoyant person would have already knew that you were going to be here and would have answered your question b4 you asked it. Does that make more since than asking the same question 100 times

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