
Any clever ideas to put in a get well basket???

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My friend just got her tonsils taken out! ouch!




  1. a card, candy, fruit, fun games, a teddy bear, flowers, her favorite candy, letters from your classmates, etc.

    good luck with her tonsils!! hope she gets well better. *shivers* SHE TOOK HER TONSILS OUT??!! ouch. :D

  2. you can buy them pre-assembled (my co-workers gave me one when I was in the had soup, hot sauce, playing cards, etc) but it would be better if you put in things that you KNOW the recipient will enjoy.  D V Ds, mp3s, things related to the recipient's hobbies.

  3. Ice cream, her fav magazine, any soft food that she would like, since she is a girl and if you know her fav perfume.

  4. You can always be funny and put something in there that reminds her of them as a joke.  Tonsils isn't a serious thing so it'd be a good laugh.

    You can go girly and get her something to relax like perfume, some sweets (or fruits, which she may prefer), some scented soaps or something.

    Or you can do a simple card with something you wrote- you know, not make a big deal out of it.  She'll like that more because of the thought behind it.

  5. how old is the friend?

    DVDs to watch, crossword puzzle books, books to read

    if a child, crayon/coloring books, stuffed animal

    I would say away from food items or candy--it hurts like heck to swallow

  6. ICE CREAM - that's the only think I could eat when I had mine out - also some movies or magazines or books

  7. get her a bunch of girl magazines (depending on age) cosmo, glamor, maybe some cheesy tabloids

  8. When I give get well gifts and even baby shower gifts, I usually give gift cards for restaurants that have carryout/delivery because when people are sick and/or have just had a baby they don't want to or don't have time to cook.  I also include gift cards for stores like Target, Walmart, etc -  where ever you can get just basic needs because they've probably had to take off of work and might be short on cash.

  9. Fill a basket with a book he/she would enjoy; a CD of favorite songs, a teddy bear and ice cream.  Depending on the person you can use something in place of a basket. If the recipient is a female who likes purses, fill a purse with favorite items. Or if a scrapbooker fill a scrapbook tote or paper drawer.

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