
Any clomid success storeys?

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Feeling abit down and would love to hear from any1 with clomid tips or storeys Thanks




  1. Hey - this was my 1st month on Clomid and I wanted to ask this same question.  I was trying to not have high hopes for BFP in the 1st month but still to take the test and get a negative is crushing.  Try to stay positive and Baby Dust to YOU~~~~~~~

  2. Struggled for 3 years to conceive my first baby, now 13 months old. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with any of my tests. My BBT chart made it seem like I was ovulating, but usually not at exactly the same time every month. I finally tried Clomid and got pregnant on the second cycle. Wished hadn't waited to try it for so long, but wanted to make sure everything else working propertly, including his sperm count. We're now trying for our second, and I've already started Clomid. My prescription says take it day 5-9, and that worked for me. I've heard some take it days 3-7. Dunno why that would be different. Also, my second month prescription is a higher dose. I don't know if this helped... but I have read that Clomid can have the adverse reaction of drying you cervical mucus, so I take Evening Primrose Oil, 1000 mg twice a day(totalling 2000 mg). You can take up to 3000mg. This is supposed to help the cervical mucus problem. I also took Dong Quai 530mg twice a day. This helps keep your hormones in good balance. Important note: both these supplements are to be taken up to ovulation, NOT after. The Dong Quai is said to possibly induce contractions. I'm not sure why the EPO is discontinued mid cycle. Anyway, maybe try just the Clomid first, and if not pregnant by the 3rd cycle of that, try adding the supplements. I think it's only recommended to take Clomid no more than 6 cycles in a row. Also, I know my aunt took Clomid when she was 35 and having problem conceiving, and it worked for her too. Good luck!

  3. hi hang in there i was trying for years found out i had pcos didn't hold out to much hope as didn't want to be disappointed if i didn't get preg but i  took two rounds of clomid and I'm now 10 weeks pregnant so good luck baby dust to you hope it works but even if it doesnt there are loads of things out there nower days :)

  4. Yes, don't give up! Two friends and myself all had trouble and all took Clomid at different times. They got pregnant - twice each - on it! I didn't and went on to adopt very happily. I think two out of three is very good. Good Luck.

  5. You know what, I was put on Clomid because I was diagnosed with PCOS. My husband and I talked it over and got on Clomid right away. I was told it would take 3-6 months to get pregnant. Well, surprise surprise, month one came and went and I was feeling strange...I knew I couldn't possibly be pregnant on the first try, but took a test anyway. And those two lines popped up so quick I almost thought I had imagined it! I kept waiting for the second one to go away, but it never did! I am now six months pregnant! We are having a baby girl! It can be very frustrating...that whole month I was a wreck. Also, I was looking up statistics and taking my basal body temperature every morning...doing everything I could to track my body. I completely recommend doing a BBT chart while trying Clomid because it totally shows you whats going on with your body. When I was first trying, I was feeling symptoms of pregnancy due to the Clomid and people told me it would go away (didn't because I was actually pregnant) but be expecting that as well. It can be done and has happened for so many! Give it a shot! And good luck!

  6. Clomid worked great for me.  I got pregnant on my first cycle of clomid.  I took 50mg CD 5-9 in July and now I'm 9 weeks & 5 days pregnant.  So just have faith its going to work and don't stress yourself out.  Remember to make this an enjoyable experience for you and your significant other.  Good Luck and Baby Dust to you.

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