
Any comedy hypnosis volunteers willing to share their experience?

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I've heard that some stage hypnotist shows are really amazing. I've seen a couple and they always seem like people are just being superficially silly.

Anyone been hypnotized before or seen one of your friends hypnotized and became convinced it was real? What happened and would you do it again?




  1. my friend andy got hypnotized and he thought he was justin timberlake from NSYNC! it was the funniest thing...he knew all the words to bye bye bye and he absolutely hated the band so it was so funny to see that. i wish i had gotten picked to go up there so i would def go again if i could.

  2. There was a hypnotist who came to the local High School, and here's what he did to about twenty people. He had boys dancing with boys, after each had been given the suggestion that he was dancing in a deserted club with a movie bomb-shell. He had people copulating on the floor with furniture. He had people barking, braying, crying, what have you.

    Then there's the shrink I went to for hypnosis. I wanted him to explore my memory to clarify something important. Now look: he refused, saying that it would be unethical. He explained that my 'recollections' under hypnosis could as easily be influenced and distorted by what I was hoping would turn out to be the truth, as by what I feared might turn out to be true. He comforted me for a moment, refused my cheque for the consultation (!!!) and sent me home.

    This is to show the difference in the treatment you can expect from a competent human being, never mind a competent, professional hypnotist (cf., 'Morgan', above).

  3. I do hypnosis but not for comedy.

    People trust you with there bodies ans minds and you should take that seriously.

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