
Any concerns I should have?

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I was invited by a male friend (who is from the Dominican Republic and plays minor league baseball here in the States) to go with him there for two weeks in September. We will be staying at his family's place in La Vega. Is it safe for a young American girl like me to go? Are there any concerns I should have?




  1. How young are you?

    Do you trust this guy?

    La Vega is a very small country town, but since there is so much poverty, there is a lot of theft.  If this guy is a good friend that will really take care of you, then you should be OK.  

    If you don't know him really, really well, then you should stay away.

  2. Hi Elisabeth,

    My first question is : Your age?

    Second question: Do you trust him?

    Last question: Why do you ask this question in public? Don't you have trust in your folks or family?

    Anyway I should say if you want to do it why not? You just have to talk with him to get answer to all your worries and questions.

    One thing more : Who pays the trip you? or him?

    El pinguino

  3. La Vega is a nice mountain town in the north, close to Santiago. bring plenty of sunscreen.  I have been to the DR 6 times, 2 of which I stayed with a male Dominican friend and his family at ages 23 and 25.   I feel safe there, but I know the area and the language.  There are some cultural things I would want you to be aware of though, if you are comfortable please email me with this name as my Yahoo id.  

  4. When you say young,  that could mean you are  12, 17 or 24.  Please remember Dominican men like to be very macho and he will quite likely expect to have an intimate relationship with you, and even if you don't he will tell his friends that you are.  If he is paying for the trip he will most  definitely expect the relationship.  La Vega is close to Santiago but certainly not a tourist town, a couple of days and you will most likely be bored stiff, Sosua and Cabarete would be the closest and they would be at least an hours drive away.  Please be very careful if something  goes wrong, the police are corrupt and you could have a terribly hard time.  Sorry to rain on your parade but those are my thoughts on your question.

  5. being an american female already makes you a target.  i would try to learn as much spanish as possible from your friend and also get a pocket dictionary.  dont wear jewelry or flashy clothes or makeup. its very hot in dominican republic so it;ll mess it up, plus make sure you have de-frizzer.  you should be fine as long as you dont get drunk.

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