
Any corelation betweem global warming and global cooling?

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is there any corelation between global warming and global cooling, or they're just in different case.... ><





  1. They&#039;re opposite sides of the same coin (climate change).  They&#039;re the two halves of the climate cycle of this planet.

  2. Many global warming theorists state it is the melting of sea ice on either side of the poles caused by human-induced emissions of co2 levels as an explanation for a global cooling scenario. These theorists are so way over their heads in their own skewed  theories and politics that they ignore natural ocean wind circulation models and, especially, solar-based effects on the earth as causes of natural warming and cooling cycles of the planet. Please check out this site to help keep all of this in perspective:

  3. Climate change is what you&#039;re referring to.  Just how can &#039;warming&#039; cause &#039;cooling&#039;?  Here&#039;s a link that can answer that.

  4. diff

  5. Yes.

    I am taking a class next month on Warming Climate, and will have more technical answers, but for the time, I do know that one could really label all of this Global Unbalance.

    It is hotter in some places than it has ever been since temp recorded this civilization&#039;s history, but other places which have been deserts are cooling off.

    Unbalanced, our ecology is turned upside down. We have destroyed so many habitats for important stuff like Survivor shows, and decimated so many species, that it will take a miracle to turn it around.

  6. Possibly.

  7. global warming cause hot places to become hotter and drier (places near the Equator in Southeast Asia, Sahelian countries), but some becomes cooler, es the North

  8. Sure you can correlate anything with something else.This however wouldn&#039;t necessarily be a fact.

  9. No, just difference.

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