
Any costume ideas for teen girls?

by Guest58584  |  earlier

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Me and my friends are thinking of having group costumes! we were thinking of being the spice girls but didnt know if it was a good idea. the group costumes can range from 4-6 peoplee. thxxx evn tho its a litttle early for halloweeen~




  1. Haha, it's never too early to start planning for Halloween! If you want to be something funny or a joke, you can be the Wiggles, or barbies. I am being a grandma. I think the Spice Girls sounds like a great idea! You can be whatever-just be creative and have fun!

    Good luck!

  2. me and my friends were the Fantanas [Fanta girls]

    it was the abosulte best.

    so many people loved it and it was such a good costume

    look them up on Google, then go shopping to find clothes like what they wear

  3. The last time I dressed up for Halloween (when I was 13 or 14), I dressed as a pioneer woman in a simple (yet beautiful) red calico dress with a matching sunbonnet. Maybe you could all go as pioneer women or cowgirls.

  4. cat woman,super woman,the chick off starwars prinses laya,

    chuckys wife(kinda dumb). get with another friend and get a hocky shirt and get both bogys in it for a 2 headed zzomby hocky player.

  5. Miss America Contestants - each pick a state


    Movie Stars


    Flight Attendants

    NFL Mascots from different teams



    Girl Band


    Pink Ladies from the movie Grease

    Rockettes from the NYC Christmas show

    Toy Soldiers

    Santa's Elves

    4-6 of the Seven Dwarfs

    4-6 of the Seven Deadly Sins

    Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Fairly Godmother,  TinkerBell, Princess from the movie Enchanted, etc.

    Pirates and Mermaids




    Grannies, little old ladies


    Judges, like Judge Judy, etc.

    Runaway Brides

    Bridal Party

    Smurfs and Smurfettes


    Cops and Prisoners


    Cast from a Broadway show like Hairspray, Lion King, Cats, etc.


    Basketball team

    Baseball team

    Hockey Team

    Good Witch and Evil Witches




    Cabbage Patch Kids

    Bratz the dolls





    Cowgirls and Indians


    King, Queen, Jack, Joker, Ace of Spades, and then if there's more of you do Diamonds and Clubs


    Ooompa Loompas from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


    Hula Girls

    Belly Dancers

    Mad Scientists and their Lab Assistants

    Magicians and their Assistants

    Jasmine and Aladdin and other characters from Different movies you can pick different ones and be them!

    Different Characters from Different Movies, like Mary Poppins,  Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz,  etc.  

    Quadruplets or Sextulplets - Dress in the same shirts and jeans or pants and the same colors and wear your hair the same way!  If there's 5 of you instead of the 4 or 6, then it's quintuplets.

    Spa Goers-  put on pajamas and then a robe over it.  Put your hair up in towels and then do your face up like you're getting facials.  Then paint your nails and toe nails and wear either flip flops or slippers.

    Newswomen -  Nancy Grace, Gretta Van Sustren, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, etc.

    Chefs from the Food Network- Rachael Ray, Paula Dean, Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) Giada DeLaurentis, Julia Child,  Sandra Lee, etc.

    Daytime Talk Show Hosts - Ellen, Oprah, Martha Stewart, Kelly Ripa, Rachael Ray, the women from the View, etc.

    This is all I can think of, but I hope it helps and that you and your friends have a fun, safe, and Happy Halloween!

  6. It's never too early for Halloween.. How about dressing up as the zombie dancers in Michael Jackson's Thriller video? Zombies are always fun!

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