
Any creams/medications to remove the scar of a rejected navel/belly button piercing?

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I got the navel piercing in February, and about 4 and a half months later i realized that my body was rejecting it, so i removed the ring and now the piercing has closed and has left me with a scar. Are there any creams/medications I could use to remove this scar?

Please help me, no stupid answers.




  1. prefer on! lmao... those commercials just stick in your head they're so annoying... i've never tried it tho... so i don't know if it works well or not


  3. Aloe Vera or Vitamin E oil are good for this.  It's all natural and available at drugstores for only a few dollars.

  4. I had the same thing happen..and no there isnt...You can try the above stuff..but it did nothing for me. I was even stupid and waited two years and tried it body rejected it again...sorry

  5. you can use that head off (or something like that) thing- they are those roll on things that come in helping headaches and for getting rid of scars.  or something else which i think is called mederma.

    please answer my question

  6. Bio Oil! I've used it for my piercing scars.

    Or you could go to your doctor and he can give you somethingg really good for it!

    Mine did, but i can't remember what it was called.

  7. Hello I am Dr. Melanie Jessica we get those problems all the time. First put alchol on the scar and then by an over the counter medication it is called isederma gel, which uses a scentless onion extract, can help get rid of scars. Usually Mederma is used to treat acne scars, which is why the company has focused its marketing campaign on youth. But, over a period of time—usually several months—scars that are massaged with Belly button ring scar treatment gel will begin to fade. And thank god for that, because high school is excruciating enough without being taunted by other kids and adults with pierced navels.

  8. You should have listened to your you have a remider...."Mom knows best"

  9. Vitamin E oil will help. You need to massage it into the tissue. It will help restore the skin to it's natural state and the massage will encourage blood flow to the area, helping to break down scar tissue more quickly. Don't use any oils if the skin is broken.

  10. I searched "scar cream" on Yahoo and this one was 1st. The site looked cool and helpful. Best of luck with saying buh bye to your scar.

    The Solution To Scars and Scar Treatment

    tru-derm Scar Cream softens, smoothes and flattens all types of scars, including scars from healed lacerations, stretch marks, acne scars, hypertrophic and keloidal scars, burns and even insect bites.

    tru-derm Scar Cream also dramatically improves the appearance of healthy skin.

    tru-derm Scar Cream can be used on all types of skin to improve and soften the appearance of scars. It can be an effective and affordable alternative to dermabrasion or steroid injections, and can be obtained without a prescription.

    tru-derm Scar Cream with SPF10 can also be effective in relieving itching and tingling associated with healing scars, and may be used to provide minimal protection from the sun's damaging rays.

  11. rosebud salve u can get it at sephora $7 it works on everything  

  12. Vitamin E is an oldy but goodie.  Also, there are prescriptions like Merderma (not sure of the spelling) you can get from your doctor

  13. Strivectin, which is costly, or go to walgreens - they have mederma for $30, a walgreens generic treatment for $17, and scarzone for $6. Do it sooner than later. Use neosporin while the wound is still healing though.

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