
Any creative horse people that can help me??

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OKay I have a horse show in early November but there is one event called the costume event and i have to start the costume now if i want to have time to finish it.

So heres what I need help with:

I don't know what me and my horse should go as

But here are the catches:

1. me and my horse our costumes have to go hand in hand (Like last year i was tinkerbell and he was Perter Pan)

2. Rules state that if i want to ride him i have to wear a helment so that means My costume has to cover the helment to make it unnoticable

3. I really can't put any face makup on me or the horse because we have other events after the costume one

So please if you could help me thanks




  1. I also thought go as a knight. That way it is easy to incorporate your helmet into the costume.

    Or how about a Greek/Roman warrior? Another way to incorporate a helmet into the costume.


  2. Ghost Rider- Make the Helmet into a skull- Scary! Headless Horseman!

    Or perhaps like I do. As an Indian myself. I take my Paint Mare in Parades as an Indian Maiden, with War Paint on her shoulder and hind quarters. Have to ride bareback!

    Sounds like fun! This year at Halloween I'm going as the ghost rider!

    And the paint washes right off, for your next event!

  3. Kaykay, here are some suggestions... First one might not work, but I like it...

    Dragon & Dragon rider (Like in Eragon)

    Paul Revere!!

    And that's pretty much all my brain can come up with at the moment... I'll edit if I come up with something else...

  4. What about a knight in shining armour?  You could make the armour from cardboard and aluminum foil.

    Just a thought...      : )

  5. oh i was in a class like this and there was a girl who dressed up as the headless horseman and she was a on black horse

    i dressed as a farmer and my horse (who had really long ears) was my mule, i used an old plow harness from back in the day

    if its November you could try something that goes with Thanksgiving like try maybe dressing your horse as a turkey and you as a pioneer or indian or something

  6. u be santa(or an elf might be cooler)

    and he be ur rein deer!

    fun stufff dude.

  7. you could do something like... dress him up as a pirate and you as like the parrot that sits on his shoulder... just dress him as a pirate and you in bright clothes with some sort of fluffy feathers on your helmet to disguise it... lemme think and i will try to come back and edit... have fun with it!

    help me out if you have time please!;...

  8. How about being Lady Godiva...she rode naked on her horse with long blonde hair.

    You an wear all beige or get leotards or leggings with a skin colored stretchy top so you LOOK naked!!  Then find a long blonde wig that can fit over your helmet. a take on it and make it comical and make the hair out of raffia or something.  Seems quick and easy and no muss or real fuss.  I have to find a picture because now that I'm thinking I think she actually wore a long and flowy something.

    Or..that just gave me a different idea of being a fairy on a unicorn.

    Have fun with whatever you decide!!

  9. Here are a few ideas:

    You can both be clowns, paint your horse white and put on black dots.(i guess no paint though)

    Romeo and julliet

    Ballerinas in tutus


    Mideival times


    Little Red Riding hood and wolf


    Headless horseman

    Carousel horse

    turn you horse hot pink

    aladdin an his lamp

    zorro Santa Clause and Ruldolph

    Hope i helped


  10. you could be the wicked witch and your horse coould be ona those fying monkeys

  11. Make him a race car and you a race car driver!

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