
Any creative ideas for a shakespeare video?

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I have to make a 5-10 minute video for my english class. It either has to be of a specific scene or an abrdgement of a play. I've chosen to go a more funnier route but any other suggestions are very much welcomed. So far I've thought of making a " MTV Real world" parody or "Law and Order" parody.

The video can be acted out with real actors, stop motion animation, or pretty much anything. Please help. There are NO BAD IDEAS, so any help is much appreciated.




  1. Shakespeare would lend itself well to a reality show kind of treatment.  For example, do the ending of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" or "Twelfth Night" with a commentator provoking the various characters into name-calling.  The he-likes-her and she-likes-him, but she's a cross dresser and he was unfaithful provides endless amusement.  Truly, Shakespeare was the soap opera genius of him time.

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