
Any democrats want to offer an INTELLIGENT reason why they are NOT planning on voting for Barak Obama?

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  1. This may not be an intelligent reason to you, but  MY REASON is TO USE COMMON SENSE  He just talks "CHANGE" & he dosen't tell us what kind of "CHANGE" & MY INTELLIGENTS tell me in order to be INTELLIGENT you DON"T vote for B.Obama unless he comes out & tells us what HIS "CHANGE" is.

  2. Maybe they don't like his policies.  Maybe they don't like blacks.  Maybe they want to vote for McCain anyway.  They don't need to justify their vote to you.

  3. I don't want to see race problems worsen.  His racism and hate scare me, and I am really concerned about the problems our Country is going to face if he is elected.  This is 2008, not 1958.

  4. Fear of what his programs will cost us at tax time.  That is the only reason.  I like him a lot.

  5. no, I don't think it's any of your concern who I or anyone else votes for.  There is a reason that the ballots are private and your name isn't on it

  6. Hillary Clinton has experience and talent to be an excellent President.

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