
Any democrats want to offer an INTELLIGENT reason why they are NOT planning on voting for Hilliary Clinton?

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  1. In my caucus I voted for Obama over Clinton as I believe she has too many ties to corporations and her views of NCLB are too favorable.  However, I will vote for Clinton in November if she is the nominee (I will vote for whomever the Democrats select as their nominee this November).

  2. Yes, I am not voting for someone that helped out Wal Mart!!! How can she say that she wants to bring higher paying jobs into this country when on the other hand she worked with a company that is responsable for shipping american companies over seas to bring their lower prices?

    The more that we buy stuff from Wal Mart, the more we are responsable for our jobs going elsewhere. If it is an american product, Walmart will have it made in another country to be cheaper for us to buy but, puts many out of work. Also, I think that we have had enough of a scandal that the last time that the Clintons was in office and dont want more money spent on investigating a BJ!!!! Maybe Monica was the one that was opening fire on her instead of anyone else? I say let Obama have a chance, Hillary done had hers already!!!

  3. She is prone to embellish the truth.

  4. Ok!  It's our right to vote for whomever we want.

    Hillary or not.

  5. Obama has led more meaningful legislation and gained more sponsors for his bills than Hillary.

    (edit) Oh, I'm sorry. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

  6. Because Hilliary is indecisive, inexperienced, and under-qualified. Obama is not great, but you have to go with what you can get.

  7. I am planning on voting for Obama because I feel that he is well spoken, and he delivers his information well. I also fee that his plans for a slow, but steady troop removal are good, instead of taking them all out at once.

  8. It was not a woman who led this treachery in the beginning. It was a Black man who was manipulated. In being so they will remember the trail and the opposition that led all into this deception. More than possible to retrace the trail fix it and get it right. How can you expect a woman to follow that path when she has no idea of how we got here in the first case. A woman should not have to clean up this mess when it is not obivious to her at a glance of where it began. This will be an historical event that a Black man lead the Revolution that would cear up the path and place it back on the path and only then can it be placed back into the hand where it was to be in the hands of the woman.

  9. She has absolutely ZERO Executive experience, and only very limited Legislative experience to draw on.

    She has also shown that she is a pathological liar, and a political shill to whomever she is currying favor.

    Shall I go on?

  10. It's legal

  11. I'm all the way for Hilary Clinton. I think she would be a great president to steer this country into the right place at this time.  I think theres alot of people that just want a different view of things....... But i really think hilary clinton would be better for this suffering country.... Hope i helped...

  12. I like Hilary, I like Obama too. But both of them haven't fully expressed all the good characteristics a good government official should have.

    Just stop posting stuff like this. All you Americans think that voting for someone who says they're going to do good is going to make America a better place. We've been doing this for years, has it at all been beneficial? No, so why keep doing the same thing over and over. In order to make America a better place, more citizens must become more active with the community. If someone wins and you don't like how they run things, are you going to just let it happen and not do anything about it? Yes, because you feel that voting is all us Americans can do.

    What happened to the revolutions and rallies that people used to hold? Now, we're being suppressed. With more funding going towards crowd dispersal methods, including guns that shoot 'harmless' rubber bullets, tasers, tear gas, etc. They even have concentration prisons for americans...Americans!!!

  13. I don't think America is ready for a woman president, even if we were, she is not right for the job. I don't like any of the Democrats on ballot. Its a shame.

    The only upside to Hillary Clinton being President is that we know Bill Clinton will being the mastermind of all her work.

    And I voted for him.

    Hillary Clinton has no idea how to handle power, she can't even handle the campaign trail.

  14. They probably don't like her or her policies.  Maybe they don't like women. Maybe they prefer McCain anyway.  It doesn't matter; it's their business and they don't need to justify it to you.

  15. Because Hillary is the continuation of the same Families in Charge of Politics in Usa, like Bushes, Ford, Clinton, Kennedy's,...never change, you can see how these move from one Party to the other withuout blink an eye, like Mac Pain was going to be a Demos candidate once ?..that shows you these Families are interconnected, not like Mr. Obama even been a democrat, but these are the tipical american tennis ball politics ...only two players, Demos and Republikan, funny they criticed Cuba with one Party goverment, when USA is control by one only Intere$t and the Empire is sorround by the sames peoples and very few$ only.-

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