
Any diving tips?

by Guest44665  |  earlier

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My lil brother has a 19 somethin in 25m freestyle, the all star time is 18.85 and were thinking if he gets his dive down he will get an all star time. So, any tips would be much appreciated. thnx




  1. I was a diver in high school I also held the school record of 22.12 in the 25m freestyle. I found that if you pike the body slightly during your dive into the water you enter the water with a greater distance  more smoothly and are able to c**k your arm back quicker for that initial stroke. From there it is all up to how fast your brother swims.

  2. i have no idea BUT maybe he should practice with those little dive blocks they put under water, he could practice his aim that way?

  3. First of all, a coach should be supervising any practice off of a starting block.  The water should be deep enough so that if the swimmer dives too steeply (down AT the water) it is unlikely that s/he could hit their head on the bottom of the pool and possibly do severe spinal cord injury/damage.

    This is for a forward start that is used for starting from the top of a starting block.  The instructions are very thorough and, depending on the age of your 'lil' brother, they may be too complex.  Keep in mind he's 'lil' and needs to have fun, too.  So, pick and chose what you need.

    Place your non-preferred foot forward (normally the preferred foot is the same as you're handedness ... so, if you're right handed you'd put your LEFT foot forward), preferred foot back.  At the command take your marks, reach down and grab the starting block, weight slightly forward.

    At the starting signal, pull down on the starting block and push with your legs. As you leave the block, temporarily look forward. Then, drop your head down so your chin is touching your chest. Your head should be so low that you can TIGHTLY squeeze your head, behind your ears, with your biceps (this is the same as "streamline position").

    Pike (bend) slightly at your hips so that your hands will punch a hole in the water ... stay in A TIGHT streamline position. Your shoulders, chest, hips and ankles should enter the water "through" that hole ... continue to stay in A TIGHT streamline position. As your ankles go through the hole, flatten out and take a HUGE dolphin kick (butterfly kick) ... stay in A TIGHT streamline.

    As you feel yourself slow down to race speed, start to kick to the surface ... STAY IN A TIGHT STREAMLINE until you feel yourself slowing down to race speed ... stay in streamline and KICK your way to the surface (or if you're doing breaststroke replace the kick with your underwater pull-out ... but STAY IN A TIGHT STREAMLINE while doing your pull-out until you break-out) for your break-out. JUST before you break-out start your first arm stroke.

    Did you get the idea about staying in A TIGHT streamline? NOT staying in streamline and lifting the head to look forward is one of the biggest mistakes swimmers make.

  4. ya dont raise to early it is really bad dont and always make sure you dive with someone else.

  5. i am a diver and a swimmer but what u have to do is push far out and keep ur hands together  untill u r stopped

  6. don't drown
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