
Any dream experts know what this could mean?

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Two different friends of mine, whom have never met, told me within the last 2 days, that they had a dream about me, and one said my father was a druggie whom I had to help give him drugs( shes never met my dad and he does not do it) and the other friend had a dream my sister was a druggie too. Wth??? And my horoscope ( which I usually just read for fun) said to pay close attention to my dreams tonight!




  1. When people have dreams it's all about them. Dreams are your subconscious representing conflicts, fears or the like through symbols. Unless your friends were having a dream which will happen in the future, the you in their dreams isn't you but what you represent to them.

  2. I think thy are all linked to your father's and sister's future or past. the dreams and horoscopes may be trying to point some thing out.

  3. To your friends you represent someone who would do anything to help you family.  You take care of your family even when they are doing wrong or something to hurt themselves.

    You might ask yourself if you have recently discussed any family issues with your friends... perhaps in passing you said something about your father and sister arguing about drugs.. you stuck up for one side... or something similar.  Maybe you said something as simple as "If anyone in my family was ever addicted to drugs I would do anything I could to help..." after watching Trainspotting or something.  That stuff we barely hear, but it clings to our subconscience.

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