
Any dream interpreters out there? I need some sincere opinions about this crazy dream I just had.?

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I just woke up to this very disturbing dream: I was in some sort of big building...either a high school or some sort of office building, and it was being taken over by terrorists. There were lots of people in this building, and lots of children too. I somehow managed to run and hide from the guys with guns and ran into a small office and hid behind a desk. I started falling asleep there, then with my eyes almost shut I saw a man with a gun standing above me...I pretended to be asleep. The man was pointing the gun at me (it was some sort of small machine gun) and just shot one single shot to my chest. It barely even hurt, so I pretended I was dead and he walked into a little bathroom in the office and he put his gun down to pee, so I snuck over and snatched his gun and shot him.

Then I woke up feeling very scared.

What the heck does this dream mean?? I remember thinking this guy had a gun that could shoot lots of bullets at once but he only shot me once in the chest.




  1. The fact that you ran instead of helping the others in the building means you feel guilty.  Falling asleep means you are not aware of what is happening around you in your life.  Waking up to someone with a gun and being shot means you feel victimized in a situation in your life.  Shooting someone means you feel aggression towards someone or a situation at hand.  Feeling scared is self doubt or incompetence in your life.  But anger masks fear too.   Okay in a nutshell.......... Something is happening or about to happen in your life that you never saw coming.  You will be the victim in this situation and it will bring out the worst in you.  Aggression, self doubt, anger, fear and guilt.  I interrupt dreams but I had a hard time with this one.  Most likely this will happen to you at work or with an intimate person.

  2. We hear so much on the news about terrorism and catastrophes, and the memory of 9/11 is very strong for most of us  I think sometimes, we "practice" in our dreams what we might do if a similar situation happens to us personally.  Those of us with children feel even more threatened, because we know we are responsible for their safety, not just our own!

    Pray that God will give you wisdom if you are even in such a situation, and ask Him to give you peace of mind and sweet sleep!

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