
Any driving tips?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and getting my drivers permit tomorrow. Thus being so, I was wondering if any of you in the Answers community had any tips for driving that aren't in the manual ;)

Personal narratives are always welcome.





  1. Look both ways before you pull into trafic and always look again.This has saved me from many accidents by looking twice before I pull out into traffic.

  2. yes apart from traffic rules, not only being careful of what you do behind the wheel, but what other drivers are 'about' to do, in other words be really awake while driving and please respect others on the road.

  3. obeying traffic rules.

  4. traffic is all about flow.  Make it a game to allow cars in front of you;  your stress level will be much lower.   I'm always struck with wonder when I see people accelerate when they see someone signaling.  Just let people in.  Congestion is created when cars can't change lanes.  

    Try not to tailgate.

    If you're driving slower than the other cars, stay to the right.  Don't be one of those self-righteous bozos who drives 55 in the fast lane.  That's as unsafe as going 90, and will enrage other drivers.

    Don't test your gas tank.  Get gas when you're getting low.  I think you're female, and you shouldn't be stranded on the side of the road.  99% of people are compassionate, but you never know when that 1% nut-job might be out there.

    Just stay focused on the fact that you're operating a heavy object at fast speeds.  Things can change in an instant on the road.  Do not text, read, eat etc. while driving.

    And wear your seatbelt.  Alive is cool.

  5. dont stress yourself, think before you do something. have fun.

    i didnt and i got it perfect.

  6. like the name, upside down frown...

    we drive on the right side of the road in the USA.

    no seriously though, just watch our for other drivers, and until you get comfortable with driving (changing lanes, passing, etc) do not listen to the radio... i would say about a month should do it.  i would not tell you to drive slower than the posted speed limit because you could be more of a hazard than anything.

    When you drive on the interstate, move over... don't brake for merging people (obviously if you can't move over and they are going to run into you you will have to take some sort of evasive action... ie braking speeding up, or if all else fails hit them... you know something.)

    Watch out for people backing up at gas stations.  i have been almost hit there more than anywhere else.

    Drive at a speed suitable for road conditions.... cars will start to hydroplane around 60 mph in the rain. (higher or lower depending on tires and water depth)

    If your cell phone falls in the floor DON"T take your eyes off of the road to get it.... BAD MOVE!  pull over to retrieve the dropped item.

    This is all that i can think of for now.

    good luck, y de nada

  7. Always pay attention to what's going on around you: in front and behind you. Just because you have the right of way, doesn't mean the other person is gonna stop; be careful, pay attention!

  8. when your at 1st.

    it might be hard to center yourself.

    it was for me.

    but what you've got to do.

    is sit in the driver's seat.

    look at where the wiper's meet, in the middle.

    then look at left bottom side f the wind shield.

    and when your driving on the road, line up the left road line with the bottom left side of the windshiel.

    and the right line with the spot where the wiper's meet.

    and always be looking ahead.

    if your focusing on what's in front of you, you wn't be able to see if something else goes wrong.
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