
Any education that makes the child think is the best education. Do you agree?

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Any education that makes the child think is the best education. Basic nature of Chess is that it makes you think; think in orderly manner to find a logical conclusion. Chess helps to develop thinking process in a child.




  1. I fully agree .Making any one just not the child "THINK" is the beginning and end of Educating. Activate your left brain . It has tremendous untapped capabilities.  Most of us dont think beyond limits set by ourselves and use only a very small percentage of our brain. For example  you ask some one to book an air ticket for you. He finds it is not available for the Flt you asked for. Person X comes back saying Sorry. Person Y thinks and explores why you wanted the ticket and finds out alternatives like other flts Ttrain Car etc and gets back to you with options.Just an example . Take this colour text you will be amazed.  I cannot attach here . if any one keencan send me e mail.

  2. Many children with disabilities have trouble with thinking in an orderly manner.  Some are too literal and cannot grasp the abstract.  Education has to be designed to fit the needs of the child, the learning style that works for that child.  Yes, ultimately we want the children to learn to think for themselves but that may be many steps away from where we are right now.

  3. As a former teacher of children with learning disabilities, I agree that education is very important but must be geared to the child's ability or they will become frustrated and not want to learn. I have found that even the children who rarely spoke, would do so when I found a subject that they were interested in. Then they would articulate much. There is so much more than just learning. There is feeling loved, wanted, needed and guided by someone who really does care. These things and having somewhere who cares about them, lays the foundation for their willingness to learn. While I play chess myself, I think it is complicated for some children. Just keep in  mind what the capabilities are of the children and use that as a tool to educate them in whatever game or activity you have planned. Make it fun and challenge them if you can and you will see what their eagerness will allow them to do. Also, education begins when they are infants and begins in the home. It is a life long experience for us all.

  4. Just log on to you will get the desired result.

  5. I do not agree. You can't MAKE someone think, you can't MAKE anyone learn. You can provide opportunities and interests for learning, but you can't FORCE learning to happen.

    What if they hate chess? What if they like laying in the grass and watching the sky pass over. Some children would learn a ton more that way, and process it better than hunched over a table playing chess.

  6. NO ... If " Any education that makes the child think is the best education"  then wouldn't  TV, Internet and Video-games be considered as forms of education ... and then wouldn't parents stop sending their kids to school and let them watch TV all day and play video games!!

  7. hATS OFF


  8. If you stop breathing, you stop thinking...therefore...Breathe...take another one.


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