There are many colorful depictions of human-like creatures in folklore traditions worldwide, particularly those from the Germanic traditions of Europe. We know Neanderthals survived until ~30kabp, even cohabiting Europe with modern humans. They had pale skin, large noses, robust features, red hair, and were similar in height to humans.
Can evidence of this cohabitation have been preserved among the folklore of Old Europe in the form of our stories about curious creatures - e.g., dwarves (which started out tall), elves, gnomes, leprechauns - some of whom, as the stories go, lived on the land before the arrival of modern humans? Can similar elements in the folklore of Africa and Asia have been inspired when someone of old accidentally came across fossil remains of H. erectus, etc. (c.p. postulated origin of 'dragons' in dinosaur fossil remains)?
And would American folklores lack such fanciful humanoids as to be expected, since no great apes ever made it to the New World?