
Any experience with 350 or 500 gallon tank fish farming as a hobby?

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Perhaps a school could do this for enough food for a fundraiser. My wife's school has a small aquarium, but after many jokes on eating the contents...hmmm gets a person thinkin'




  1. Not yet, though we are serriously concidering it.  We have a large pond (about 1/4 of an acre) which is stocked with fish.  I'm hoping Mike will answer this question, because he has awsome links to auqaculture sites.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. Don't know about something that small, but commercial salt-water fish farming is going on at locations entirely separated from the sea. The filtration process to remove fish wastes is extremely complicated, uses enzymes in addition to physical filtration. A unit designed to produce 80 tons of fish per year is running near me in Korea, fully a mile from the sea (they trucked in sea water to get started). They hope to sell several species of fish to the Japanese market. Seaweed is in there, too, I think, though it's not for selling. The owner said he feels sure the project could be scaled down to about a quarter the size of this project, to fit into the model of family business. He said a husband-wife team could maintain a small facility.

  3. It is quite profitable and rather easy to do.  Here is a link with more information about how to do it and purchasing:

    As you can see, it is currently out of stock.  Given the popularity, no surprise there!

    Good luck!

  4. I'm 55 and their must be some kinda money to be made because I've over the years heard a lot of people consider doing fish farming on the scale you have suggested.

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