
Any experience with Hydroxycut?

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Hi ! I am on a diet and am thinking about trying out hydroxyut. I don't really know a lot about diet supplements, so I was just wondering if anyone has tried it out and can tell me if it really helps or not. Thank you.




  1. Hydroxycut is merely a diuretic.  It dries you out and you lose water weight, nothing else.  So, if you drink a lot of water and go off it, you'll gain every pound right back.  Plus, it'll dehydrate you, which makes intensive training dangerous.  You can get hurt, pull or tear muscles, or even suffer from heat injuries because you're not maintaining moisture in your body.

    Avoid it at all costs.  It's not healthy.

  2. Forget Hydrocy cut. I mean it forget it. Go on line or go to a "Sturdee" health food store and buy some "Sea Silver" its vitamins and all kinds of good stuff for the body but the beauty part is that it makes you lose weight. So your killing two birds with one stone. I can promise you, you'll be  telling all your friends about Sea Silver when you see the weight you lose with out exercising, and there is nothing harmful in it. Good luck.

  3. I have been on Hydroxycut off & on for almost a year now. It definitely works if you eat right and drink lots of water & exercise.

    Just don't take more than the instructions indicate. Make sure you drink plenty of water.

    I know some people don't like it because they felt like they were on a caffeine rush. It made me feel energized and really curbed my appetite so it was easy to lose weight. I lost 30 lbs. on it.

    Not sure how much weight you want to lose, but don't stay on it for months. Give yourself a break from it after a while, let it get out of your system and then try it again (if you are wanting to lose more).

    Anyway, that's my experience. Good luck and congrats!!!

  4. I used it and excersied mainly threadmill and weight 3times a week and I got wonderful results!  They only thing is you might feel a little jumpy when you get to the final week of using the pill.  If your going to use it make sure you don't have any heart problem cause it can cause palpations.... So good luck!

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