
Any fathers forced to sign away rights?

by Guest64847  |  earlier

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Are there any fathers on here who were forced to give up your parental rights due to the way your child's mother was treating you, your child and the situation? How are you dealing? As the girlfriend of a man who had to sign away his rights, any advice for me on how to be sensitive to him?




  1. I have not met anyone who has gone through this and I do know that it can not be reversed (If he is depressed about it, he should contact a lawyer or find support). Just in case you run across someone in a similar situation, please have them visit It is made to help dads know their rights and to offer support if the mother is not giving the rights to him.

    As far as being sensitive to him, just be the shoulder to cry on when it is really bothering him or be there to listen when he needs to vent about it. The only thing not to do is bring it up on your own. Let him talk as he needs to.  

  2. I don't understand...

    He HAD to sign away his rights to his child,  just because he didn't like the way the mother was treating him.. ?

    Why would he do that?

  3. My fiance had this happen to him. He is a wonderful father and even though he has been in his daughter's life since birth, he has no rights. She will be 13 next month and we want custody but there is no chance. Lawyers have told us that even though he has been in her life since birth and she wants to live with us, legally it would be like a perfect stranger off the streets trying to get custody.

    Just be supportive. That's about all you can do.

  4. you should do your best to support him in every way possible. if he loves his child, he has a right to be in the child's life (i dont know the complete situation) i do know that someone can not be forced to give up their rights though, it is something they must willingly do.

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