
Any favorites?

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If any of you have/have had multiple animals of the same species at one time, do you ever find youself favoring a certain one for some reason? Why?

I do with my gerbils. I have 3 gerbils right now and one really captures me better than the other 2. He's one year older than the other two, so i've had him longer, but also when i let them run around my room sometimes he just sits and stares at me and he's not afraid of me. Also, if I put my hand out he actually comes to it instead of running away from it :)

How about you?




  1. day on my way to the school bus (i was younger then) she sat outside in the snow (she loved snow) and just gave me this look like don't was super hard to pass up, so I played with her and ended up missing my bus. I got very muddy and I don't regret it at all except when my mom ran outside to tell me I have missed my bus and she was very upset. I went to school all muddy, but I was the happiest kid. She was an austrailian shepard =) I loved her so much. We ended up giving her to a farm so she could run even more, because our yard and neighborhood was getting way to small for her.

  2. I have two chinchillas. One is a 5 month old grey female the other is a 3 month old white male. For some reason I like the white one better.

  3. yes i have multiple pets i think a zoo and somehow theres always one pet that you just like better for me its one of my dogs, but i still like them all just that one a little more

  4. well yeah, tiny tim the angel fish is my favorite fish, pepper was kinda sorta my favorite dog (i had to get rid of her =(), chip was my favorite hamster, (but he died =(), Festus the hermit crab. I guess it is natural. like what they act like. Pepper was more calm and yeti (my other dog) was more slobbery, Chip was sweet the other 70 were... ummm different, and tiny tim is soooo sweet.

  5. I liked my duck Nippy a whole lot better than my duck Lucy.  Nippy liked to be pet and Lucy didn't.

  6. I had a cocker spaniel growing up and she was like my second mother! that dog went everywhere with me! she would wait for me at my school bus stop and walk home with me.. she was the coolest dog ever!

    RIP Freckles
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