
Any fellow Democrats out there get an eery feeling Watching the Republican Convention last night???

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I thought I was reading Orwell's "1984" AGAIN, in Surreal visuals and heavily subliminal speeches that sounded so "Bid-Brotherish-ly"Benevolent on the surface. In the middle of Palin's speech, I fell into a trance of disbelief and disgust over the "good hockey mom" veneer, and went into a sleep full of "newspeak"! What a nightmare that was. And did you see all those suits and pasted on heads hair-dos? I swear, I'll have to watch it tonight better prepared or I may find myself in a straight-jacket in the morning. One I've put on myself!!!

Any democrat out there want to comment upon your impression???

Oh, come on you too, Republicans, lets make this a fair forum, alike those in Ancient Rome, before Julius was punctured up, 15 holes' worth!

Et tu, everybody???

Now this is for fun, for as long as we can have it!


Lets do this Party like hey?

So..don't ya be hatin' NOW!!

Mea Gratias agere!




  1. I DIDN'T WATCH IT!!! I knew watching the hype and lies would make me throw up or send my blood pressure sky high. And the bits I did catch today were nauseating, to say the least. First of all, they don't have a plan. If they did, they haven't mentioned it yet. Second of all, McCain ONLY talks about how he was a POW 40 something years ago, but never about what he'll do in the next FOUR years to get us out of the cr*p the republicans got us into. Palin is being used (and using her family) to get the sympathy vote and the "disgruntled" Hillary voters. If these disgruntled voters are so stupid as to go to the other side JUST because Palin is female, then the republicans deserve them.

    The GOP/Karl Rove strategy, can be summed up:

    “Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.”

    Could we please outlaw stupidity?

  2. Typical liberal mentality here--lol. This is why your candidate is such a smoke and mirrors-but nothing to his words.

    Mrs. Palin was classy and smart and such a breath of fresh air to the attack and bite of the dems rhetoric.

    A real small town woman who has worked her way up--with grit and tenacity.  I am changing my vote to McCain.

  3. And this was different from the Democrat convention - how?

    Personally, I feel that it is people like yourself who are the greatest threat to our freedoms.  You are intolerant of other ideas and beliefs and decide that those who disagree with you must be evil.

    You way is the path to the Gulag.

  4. Fear is a terrible thing to waste, so go ahead with it.

  5. Yes I did get an eery feeling that they might get despite an try to steal the election again.Please someone give us some Polo or Chanel because all of that Old Spice and Avon those Republicans are wearing sick.Oh and for Levi your an legal adult at the age of 18 so please stay away from any kids who are 17 and under maybe your going to be mother-in-law Mrs.P should have told you this even better where are your parents they should have taken  a strap to your behind for not wearing a condom oh my mistake Mrs.P doesn't agree on educating kids on s*x she rather you find out by getting her under age daughter.PREGNANT.

  6. Nope. Didn't watch it.

  7. This whole deal with the Republicans is VERY Orwellian this time around.  Her selection is surreal, her presentation desperate, and the campaign will be a kick to watch unfold.

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