
Any food(s) that you didn't like as an omni, but now that you're a veg*n....?

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Hey gang! I know this question has probably already been asked, but I haven't seen it in a while. (lol)

Are there any foods that you didn't like as an omni, but now that you are a veg*n, you like it?

For me, meatloaf (yes, meatloaf...I make a mean soy loaf), mushrooms and beets are the three foods I hated as an omni and I'm now enjoying as a vegan.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

+peace love & light+




  1. Spinach.  I'm in love with it now and wouldn't touch it as a kid.

    It's probably because my parents tried to fed it to me out of the can though (YUCK!)

  2. There are lots, but I attribute that as much to maturity as anything else.  I was picky as a kid and still pretty picky at 16 when I went vegetarian.  Over the years I've gotten a lot more adventurous food-wise.  There are still things I will never like, like mushrooms!

    Edit to add that we do lose a lot of tastebuds by the time we reach adulthood.  Picky kids aren't always just being bratty - it's normal to like things as an adult that you didn't like as a kid because they literally taste different to you than they used to.

  3. so many, but interesting this came up today.

    Been veg*n for 20+ years.

    And today at lunch I ate the first cherry tomatoes that I found enjoyable. Three came with the salad and they were all enjoyable. It is a texture thing, that tomatoes share with cucumbers and watermelon.  

    But beyond the texture thing ( I was a meat and potato man)

    Broccolli - spinach - carrots - brussel sprouts - spring onion - strawberry (unbelievable) - water chestnut - green peppers, red peppers - honeydew melons - lima beans - green beans ...

    trust me the first few months were tough as all h**l.

  4. Just about everything I eat now I used to hate. there only used to be about 5 veges I would eat and now I'm happy to try anything and usually enjoy it. I hardly ever eat any of the vegetarian foods I used to love and prefer fruit to chocolate! I've even cut down on eggs and cheese and am almost vegan.

    It's funny how people think if you become vege you will be ill and weak and pale etc but I am much much healthier now than I ever was, I supose because I think about what I eat and have to make it balanced but I love it!

    Isn't it interesting how tastes change?

  5. Mushrooms, baby. I'd eat them three times a day everyday if I could.

    I wouldn't even touch them before!

  6. Tofu. I considered it a "healthy" aka gross food, but I'm in love with it now. I also love squashes (butternut, zucchini, spaghetti). They're so good and you can make a ton with them!!

  7. I wasn't to keen on tofu, soy milk and celery....

    But now that I've learned how to prepare tofu, found the right brand of soy its great. And celery just grew on me (especially with peanut butter).

    Never thought I'd like em but I do now ;)

  8. I use to hate food when omni because it always made me sick and nauseated, and then I became vegan and I was opened up to how amazing food can actually be! Everything tasted better. Especially how some foods are cooked differently therefore taste amazingly better. Such food examples include tofu, lentils, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, eggplant, soy milk and products, kale, nutritional yeast, couscous, hummus, and others. Food is just splendid when vegan, everything seems better vegan!

    And now that you mention it vegan chicken taste a million times better than cooked chicken. I use to hate chicken because it tasted bloody and dead but liked how it was made, and now  I can get the taste without it tasting bloody, dead, and nauseated! It's great.

  9. Yes, I hated onions of all kinds, tomatoes, mushrooms, brown rice, and tea.  

    Now I  love them all.  I'm not sure if my tastebuds changed or if perhaps I am just more open to eat them more often.

    Anyway, I don't care how it came about, I am no longer a picky eater.

    OH AND DARK CHOCOLATE which is awesome by the way.  I always hated it before.

  10. Beans!

  11. I used to be addicted to refined white bread as an omni.

    But now I love wholemeal bread, I especially love bread that has sunflower seeds in it. Yum!

    I'm trying out foods I never knew existed! Like tofu. And beverages, like rice milk (which is VERY delicious on cereal!!)

    [edit] Like La Vie Boheme said, I used to hate beans, but now they're pretty much a staple.

  12. Broccoli and onions.  I also have learned to like unsweetened soy milk over the years.

  13. i like tomatos more. i cant eat them raw or anything, but it used to be that i didnt like chunks of tomato in anything!

  14. Tofu



    Kale (juiced)



    ...and the list goes on.

    My sister actually hated mushrooms, but now love them as a vegetarian. I convinced her to try one out, and she said, "Hmmm, this actually tastes pretty good!" and now she craves for them! :)

  15. The idea of soy milk used to nauseate me, but now that I've tried it, it's like, "hey, this tastes just like regular milk."

    I've also discovered the joys of hummus. Nom nom nom.

  16. Yep.  I was never a fan of zucchini, but I have discovered I like it, if cooked right.  I also like it as part of raw dishes.

    I'm learning to like squash, except for yellow squash.

    I never liked thick soups, but if done right, I can eat them.  I still prefer broths, though.

    But I can't see myself ever learning to like broccoli.  And I can barely tolerate cauliflower.

  17. spinich and soy milk,

  18. I used to hate mushrooms and cherry tomatos.

    Now I eat them both like candy... :o)

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