
Any former vegans/vegetarians?

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Anyone who use to be a vegan or a vegetarian..what made you give it up and do you regret doing so? I find that the stuff in my small town is so hard to find,store managers don't know what Im talking about and above all,it's costly compared to the alternatives. Not saying its ok to kill animals but saving them by eatting alternatives is alot more costly.Former vegs only please, it doesnt answer my question if youre a current veg.^^




  1. I'm a former vegan but current vegetarian.  I switched back because in addition to food cravings when I was pregnant, I had some serious food aversions!  I couldn't stand the sight of lettuce, green veggies, or tofu.  As a vegan, you can understand what a dilemma that was!  I started eating a little bit of eggs and cheese again and after the baby was born, I simply haven't switched back.  I felt amazing as a vegan and truly enjoyed it, but I also make most of my food from scratch.  My hubby eats meat and sometimes a casserole with cheese or an omelet is a good compromise so I don't have to make a vegan meal and a meat one on the same night. I just don't have as much time to cook seperate meals now that I have a child!  However, I eat waaaaaay less dairy products than I used to since the switch back.

  2. That depends on what you are trying to find. If it's veggie 'meats' and things, well of course they are expensive. Not to mention unhealthy. Try cooking with lentils and chickpeas, and other foods, that aren't processed. You'll feel better for it, and your body will appreciate it too.

  3. I am a current vegan and I know it can be a little difficult to adjust.  I know it's not always handy either.  I do know that a basic vegan diet is really cheap.  Beans, rice, and frozen vegetables are cheap and so is tofu. I can feed my family of 4 on 130.00 per week.  We eat well too, but I actually have to cook.  I make chili, sloppy joes, meatless meatballs, spaghetti, mac and soy cheese, stir fry, veggies and rice, soup, sandwiches and other stuff...

    If you buy mostly Boca and Morningstar Farms products it will be expensive.  Living on pre-made heat and eat things will be expensive whether your vegetarian or not.  Vegetarian and vegan TV dinners are outrageously expensive.  We don't buy them.

    I am not vegan because it's easy.  It's not easy in the beginning.  I did it for the animals, for the environment, for my health and to set a good example for my children.

    You will find that the best choices in life are not always easy ones.  Anything worth doing is worth working for.  Sometimes you have to make some sacrifices to stand up for what you believe in.

  4. I am a current vegetarian, I know that's not who you wanted to answer. It's about my sister in law who says she used to be vegetarian.

    She was living in Spain at the time, and she said people looked at her like she was out of her mind and acted like they never heard of it. She thought it was too much of a hassle, started eating meat and never went back to vegetarianism again.

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