
Any fortune tellers who can answer these questions for me?

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These are just guideline questions.... really I just want to know what you "sense" I've asked this question repeatedly and have only met one "genuine" fortune teller.

Me: Born september 5th 1985 in Shanghai china

Mother's maiden name: Zhang Xi

Name: Xiao D.

Him: November 13th 1984, in sao paulo brazil

Mother's maiden name: Solange Freitas

Name: Caio C.

Brother: Felipe

Father: Roberto

a) When will be together?

b) Is he obtainable for the long term?

c) If we get married will it end in divource?

d) Are there any woman who will enter his life later on?

e) What will happen in the future?

f) Can you provide any proof that your psychic?




  1. a)not soon,..


    c)you won't marry him,..

    d)yes, close friends,...only

    e)you won't see each other for a few moons,...

       however you will conversate from a distance with each other

       to wish each other well, wont see him again for a long time

       comming, happy for him,...move on with your own life,....

       continue to persue your education, economics,..physics

    f)wouldn't want to be called or labled as such,.....take care,...

  2. i'm using my tarrot cards, which i've always had great results with, and the first card for your first question was Six of Wands, Reversed.

    Meaning: Inconflulsive results. Setbacks. Low morale.Wasted time. Unfocused attempt. No clear designated target. Poor showing. Lack of recognition.

    2nd question, 2nd card-Six of Swords, Reversed.

    meaning:confession. Explanations. Surprise. Anxiety. Delay of travel. An unpleasant atmosphere. Harassment. Frustartion.

    3rd question, 3rd card-four of pentacles, Reversed

    Meaning-small gifts or gains. Modest ambition. Fussing and fretting over tiny details breeds resentment in the workplace. Overwork and worry. Need to delegate tasks.

    4th question, 4th card-The Lovers, Reversed

    Meaning:Temptation. Infedlity. Sweet nothings. Unworthy suitor. Carreless treatment of others. Division. Confict. Longing and frustration. Wasting in waiting. Love thwarted by interference and jealousy.

    5th question, 5th card-The fool, Upright

    Meaning-A beginning. Venturing off on one's own. Not being limited by previous eperience or the opnions of others. An open mind.Testing and exploring. Acting without a plan. Choosing a path that may seem foolish to others. Chasing rainbows. Learning through play.

    you're last question. The only way i can prove it, is there is no way. i can give you examples, but if you dont' believe it, then i can't help you. My cards have always been accurate with my future, but its even stronger when the person is there in front of you or you're touching of something of that person.

    I'm not going to tell you exactly what i believe the cards mean, but you reading them, will understand them in your own way, then the way of what i'd want to say.

    I hope this helps : )

    Any more questions e-mail me

  3. i don't think that even an amazing psychic would be able to answer you.

    to be a psychic means to be able to control your energy to read another form of energy. it's a way to be connected with the earth, the soul, or whatever the psychic can communicate with.

    energy is simply not able to be felt over a computer. go see a psychic in person, not ask questions on yahoo answers....

    i hope it works out for u 2 though!

  4. Honey, you're barking up the wrong tree. Don't go to fortune tellers. At all.

    I'll answer your questions as best I can though, using a solid footing in reality.

    a) When will we be together?

    That's difficult to say, given the information at hand. My bet is as soon as you let him know how you feel.

    Here's the funny thing about men that women don't seem to understand.  Women think that they have to be super attractive and fit some sort of ideal of beauty for a man to find them attracive. This is nonsense that has been put into your head by the ad industry for years.

    The reality is that men are just as nervous as you, and don't have much self esteem. And this is all men, ESPECIALLY the ones who act like they are hot stuff.

    As my friend aptly retorted when I asked him what kind of girl he liked, "I'm interested in any woman who's interested in me."

    That is SOOOO true, ladies.

    If you "come on" to this guy when you can get him alone, I guarantee he'll be yours.

    b) Is he obtainable for the long term?

    Again, this is up to you. A lot of times a woman will be attracted to a man for all the wrong reasons. I don't know this guy, but I can tell you that often what attracts a woman to a man are the same qualities that do not make for him to be a good long term partner. This means that you'll inevitably try to change him, which will lead to tension, and so forth.

    So, you either don't change him, and you're unhappy, or you change him, and he's unhappy. I mean, you could, of course, compromise. Either way, it all depends on you, and whether you're happy in the relationship and WANT to spend forever with this guy. That's up to you--and their is only one way to find out!

    c) If we get married will it end in divorce?

    Wow, talk about putting the cart before the horse. Slow down there. First you don't even know if you could get this guy, so you're assuming the outcomes that you desire from questions a and b.

    But let's say you did get married. And let's say one or both of your are unhappy in the marriage. And you get divorced. Why is divorce viewed as such a bad thing??? Why do people feel that if you get married, you have to stay with that person your entire life, even if you're both miserable??? Just to chase after some romatic ideal?

    Uh-uh, honey. I wish you both a good, long term marriage, or a quick divorce, no matter who it is you're settling down with. Both are good outcomes. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and there's no point in being trapped and miserable for 30 years because you feel that being alone is worse than being trapped in a loveless marriage.

    Therefore, I'm throwing out this question. Who cares?

    d) Are there any women who will enter his life later on?

    Yes. after you get married, he still has to be a member of society. That involves *shock!* *horror!* meeting other women. And yes, about a third of the women he meets will (in his head) qualify as being worthy of having s*x with, and about 10% of those will probably be prettier than you are. Sorry about that, but it's true. Chances are you're not the prettiest woman in the world, because there's no such thing.

    Anyway, yes, women will enter his life all the time. But will they want him? As you age, your man isn't going to be young forever. He'll let himself go, get gray and bald, and slowly, time will whither him so that constant influx of women younger than you will not be interested in him. They'll be too busy writing messages to psychics online about how they can go get some other, younger, more available man. :-)

    e) What will happen in the future?

    Chances are, the world will keep spinning. Days will pass. We'll all revolve around the sun together. Eventually, you will die. Eventually, the sun will burn out, and long before that happens, all life will be gone on this rock. But you won't care about that. Because you'll be dead by then.

    So, see, nothing really matters, and you're way too worried about this stuff.

    f) Can you provide any proof that you're psychic?


    But what I can tell you is that you don't need a psychic.

    Look, kid, here's what's up.

    All of your questions stem from fear. You're afraid of living.

    These things---life, love, marriage--they are risky. But that's what makes them worth doing. It's the risks that make you feel alive. NOTHING in this world that is of any value is without risk. You're trying to cheat the system.

    Even if one of these psychics (read: charlatans) could really tell you what your future held, would you want to know? It's the NOT knowing what will happen that makes life worth living.

    Look, kid, you've got to a) have more confidence and b) take some risks in life. Now go get your man.

    And please, don't go to psychics.

  5. wish i could ask silvea brown she good at it

  6. I see no future with this man

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