
Any french or travellers i can speak too?

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sorry i checkhed out the site u gave in sources, and the first it said "no matter what nationality" cool.




  1. If the French Legion interest you, you should know that this is one of the elite unit of the French army, plenty of people give up during training. You will also have to learn French (taught during training).

    If you are among the best you can hope for the parachute unit of the Foreign Legion.

    Good luck.

  2. Well, it's not as easy as described above. First, you will have to deal with immigration regulations. Just as a French person cannot live and work in the US without a visa, a US citizen cannot move to France and work or study there without the appropriate visa. For info on how to move and work in France, check the French Embassy website:

    and this one:

    Another thing to consider is the high unemployment rate in France. Once you are there and you have a job, it is true that the quality of life can be very good (a lot of vacation time, top quality health care, a lot of services). But there are obstacles, like anywhere else. In France the main obstacle is the rigidity of the employment system. Any obstacle can be overcome though, I am not trying to discourage you. There is always a solution but you need to be informed to know what to expect.

    Since you are willing to join the US marines, maybe you would like (only if you are a guy) to consider joining the French foreign legion instead. This will allow you to travel (well, to war zones, that is), receive French language classes and have the possibility to apply for French citizenship, which means that you would be fully entitled to live and work in France after your 5-year contract. But it is a commitment and a tough one. For more info, see the following sites: (this one is a little dated and some things have changed but it gives you an idea of what daily life is like in the Legion).

  3. that works wonderfully....just learn a little french so you can get around!! My friends and I did that when we turned 19 for 8 months.  I waitressed and made money, we rented an was great fun, but I also spoke french fluently before I went.  It'll help if you learn some of the basics

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